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by test ( edited 05 Oct 2013 ) 05 Oct 2013

Dear Cuties, the Designs by Cuties has been closed because there were people (digitizers) not following the required rules, for uploading design on the DBC. There were designs without tested, also without the author of original artwork. In order to prevent similar trouble in the future, the DBC section was closed for total checking and updates (after updates, an each design will be pre-approved and only then it will be available for downloading). Sorry, this is happened, especially to our faithful digitizers, who always gave us good, tested designs and followed the rules. And Im sorry, the Cuties will miss out on the talents of these digitizers. I'll be work diligently to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. Please dont worry, take care of your health, life resume and will be even better, Im sure :) because we are together and I feel your love to Cute Family. Thank you so much and hope for your understanding and patience.

Love and Blessings to you and yours.



by sewfrenzie 03 Apr 2015

Thank you for your hard work! I hope you have a wonderful Easter!! I keep looking, and know this a ton of work so I will continue to wait patiently.

by captainbj 23 Jul 2014

Thank you for all your hard work!

by reallyrob 21 Jun 2014

I really miss Designs by Cuties! If there is any way we can help, please let us know...I know how hard this task must be on you!

by asterixsew Moderator 29 May 2014


by majorisette84 28 May 2014

je n'avais pas vu cet article , et j'étais étonnée de ne plus voir des créations par les numériseurs, mais je comprends maintenant que vous avez un lourd travail à faire et comme toutes les autres personnes je vous souhaite bonne chance et surtout ne mettez pas votre santé en danger , merci pour le travail accompli et de faire partager tous ces moments avec nous, amitiés et merci marie josette

by marisabizz 28 May 2014

Grazie speriamo tutto si risolva , mi sono affezionata a voi e i vostri ricami mi piacevano molto e mi erano molto utili ... Grazie e Buon lavoro a presto .... Marisabizz

by anne55 16 May 2014

There are always those who spoil things for others. Whatever happens, the Cute family is behind you and thank you so much for your generosity. Thanks to all the digitizers who shared their work also.

by tiggy000 16 May 2014

I am not a digitizer and I am always so grateful to those of you who are and so willing to share with the rest of us. Therefore I am so sorry that you are having this trouble and so happy that you are willing to sort it out and share again afterwards.
Many thanks!!!

by highlandermom 16 May 2014


by rescuer Moderator 15 May 2014


by asterixsew Moderator 02 May 2014


by buffy1 01 May 2014

thank you so very much for all you do ! looking forward to Design by cuties return.

by asterixsew Moderator 01 May 2014


by asterixsew Moderator 30 Apr 2014

ttt for those who have not seen or read this

by asterixsew Moderator 30 Apr 2014


by asterixsew Moderator 30 Apr 2014


by poletticel 29 Apr 2014


by asterixsew Moderator 29 Apr 2014


by rescuer Moderator 29 Apr 2014


by sandyqueen 17 Jan 2014


by rescuer Moderator 29 Dec 2013

To the top again -- some members have missed this post.

by grammys56 15 Dec 2013

Thank you for the update on this. Wish sometimes people would read the rules. I love the section and hope it gets back up soon. This is a very big task. Wish I could help to hurry your process. Keep us informed to your progress. thanks again. Grammy

by rescuer Moderator 15 Dec 2013


by marjialexa Moderator 10 Dec 2013


by chenille 27 Nov 2013


by rescuer Moderator 27 Nov 2013

For those Cuties who have not had a chance to read this -- back to the top

by Weechi 24 Nov 2013

I am sorry you have had this task put on your shoulders. I know I made an error when I first uploaded when you have it back up and running (Soon I hope) I will promise to do all in my power to stay well within the rules. Good luck to you and God blessing on you.

by castelyn 20 Nov 2013

Only just saw this, Veronika, thanks for bringing this to our attention. Thought that this needed to be brought to the top for "cutes" info.

Hugs Yvonne

by cherylgauteng 17 Nov 2013

Only read this now but thanks for all that you do for us !!

by sewfrenzie 17 Nov 2013

I am new to digitizing and I sure hope I was not one who did not follow the rules. I tried to do everything that it asked when I downloaded a design. I really feel for your having to go through each and every design. So much work! I hope all ends well for you especially! And if I downloaded a design I digitized, and did something wrong I sincerly apoligize! I would never want to cause anyone such trouble or headaches!
I am keeping you in my prayers and thoughts!

by mrskiki 17 Nov 2013

Wish there was something we or specifically I could do to help. Hugs. Nan

by sira 17 Nov 2013

Gosh, thank you for rescuer to bring this back to the top, because I hadn`t seen this post. I had wondered why Designs By Cuties was "shot down" sooo long - I miss that and I hope it come back! Thank you Veronika for the hard work !

by pennyhal 16 Nov 2013

Glad to hear that you are doing this. Thanks!

by rescuer Moderator 16 Nov 2013

It is time to bring this back to the top for those that have not had a chance to read it.
Thank you dear Veronika for taking so much time from your family to check and update the DBC for us. We appreciate everything you do for Cuties.
Hugs and love

by sqdancer 07 Nov 2013

Thank you Veronika (Our Cute Family Mom) Hugs and much love to you for all you give to us so freely...Glenda x0x0x

by bowlds 05 Nov 2013

It would be nice if the new ones could be checked as they come in and those could be posted and the old ones could be checked at her leisure.

by justsew 29 Oct 2013

O no, You have a big task. hope it goes well.
Hugs Pam.

by gloriajstitcher 29 Oct 2013

Oh I do hope it comes back soon! Loved this section!

by arlene 28 Oct 2013

thank you for explaining. i miss the designs. hope it gets straighened out soon. thanks again

by linaro1965 28 Oct 2013

Hi Veronika.
Thanks for the explanation.
What a great job to find out al the designs.
Thank you so much that you do this.
greatings from me: from holland

by blueeyedblonde 23 Oct 2013

I haven't been on here much in the last while as I've been busy. When I came on and able to spend a little time, discovered dbc closed and found a little bit of explanation from comments in Q&A and figured out what was going on. This is the first I've seen this explanation from you, Ms. V. Sorry you have had all this extra put on you. It must be quite a task as I know how much time it has taken me since I first joined, to go through some of dbc (I keep promising myself I'm going to take the time and go through the whole thing - as there are such great designs). I miss all the neat designs other cuties put up.
I'm sure most of us (except maybe for newbies) have enough designs in our stash to easily keep us occupied until it is back. Thank you so much for all you do for us and the digitizers that create awesome designs!

by PetiteTexan 16 Oct 2013

Thanks for the explanation. I found your site about 2 weeks ago and downloaded a FSL that worked perfect and was so upset I couldn't find were I got it to thank the digitizer. I got my first embroidery machine 2 months ago so I know nothing at all. I am looking forward to learning. And from what I had seen from everyone here I hope to join the family. Some day I hope to be able to contribute also. Everyone seems so kind and willing to help without being judgmental of the lack of knowledge of us newbies.
Thanks Sherise-Texas

spendlove by spendlove 16 Oct 2013


hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 27 Oct 2013

Welcome Petite Texan! You won't believe all the goodies you will find on Designs by Cuties, when it is back :-)
Jan in colorado

by crafter2243 Moderator 11 Oct 2013

Thank you Miss Veronika.

by katydid 10 Oct 2013

Veronika , sorry this has caused you grief, I do hope all is resolved!! we do love you and you have been so good to us. Love, Kay

by clawton 09 Oct 2013

A little late in commenting! However, Thanks for the explanation. We know you put much into this enjoyable site. You are a gracious and generous site manager/owner. You have provided many aspects to the site and have embraced suggestions/ideas from members.

by phi4 09 Oct 2013

Thank you Ms Veronika for your generosity & kindness over the years.With holidays fast approaching, you take time for yourself & family& don't stress over this. The faithful fans will still be with you.Thanks again for your patience & devotion.

by holly12 07 Oct 2013

Thank you for being such a caring person. I'm sure youwill get it straightened out and quickly, you always do. Arlene

by wendymay60 07 Oct 2013

Thankyou Veronika for all your hard work & lovely gifts.I have watched your site grow over the years. I wish I had more hours in the day to stay here but I'm now trying to learn to Digitize & for me it is not easy (It sure makes my brain work) It has saden me to see designs untested as a stitchout on the computer is not the same as the machine stitchout also outline stitching seams to be hit & miss. As Christmas is approching very fast Please have time for yourself & family. This family will still be here. I think of you as Sewing Mum (Mom)

by camylow 07 Oct 2013

I don't think any of us care how long you take as long as there is no harm/damage to you...THANK YOU...

by quail 07 Oct 2013

Just got on this morning. Thank you Miss Veronika for working to keep this site going. It means a great deal to many people(myself included). It is encouraging to see so many Cuties who are good willed and patient. I would hope to be as generous in my time and talents as you have shown yourself to be. I think if we were to have a bit of history from each Cutie, we would all see how a seemingly small item like a single design, has gone on to allow us to imagine, create, and give...all actions that double back upon us and fill our lives with purpose and most importantly, Love. Thank you again and again. Therese

by sewfrenzie 07 Oct 2013

So sorry to hear you are having problems! I hope everything works out soon so you can get back to a normal life as well. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. My heart goes out to you!

by ajmmjs 06 Oct 2013

thank you for the explanation, lynne

by babybird 06 Oct 2013

You are an angel to take on all this work for us and along with so many others, I very much appreciate it.

by contessasophie 06 Oct 2013

Thank you for explaining and I thank you for all your hard work to get the DBC up and running again. I am sure I speak for many when I say it is very much appreciated. Cute embroidery has helped me so many times and I think it is a great site and thank every one involved with this site.
Keep up the great work!

by babsie 06 Oct 2013

Thanks Ms Veronika for all your love and help it is greatly appreciated and I'm sad about the extra work you now have to do. I love your Cute website and all my Cute family that I've acquired over the years. Hugs from South Africa

by mranderson 06 Oct 2013

Thank you Veronika. Everyone else has said it all. This is a great site and I am sure this little hiccup will soon be rectified. Hugs Marg

by rsloan 06 Oct 2013

Miss Veronika --thanks for your note explaining the situation. It saddens all of us that after all your hard work and (speaking personally) my many hours of enjoyment in sharing with the Cuties, that this has happened.l We all look forward to a time when this is all resolved. Please know that we support you and value your efforts to keep this site going and thriving. Becky

by mi30kaja 06 Oct 2013

Veronika, Thank You for all you have done for us who belong to Cute.

by sansgaard 06 Oct 2013

one bad apple.
as the saying goes. Sorry for your troubles. This site has been sooo helpful to me. I am new and absolutly knew nothing about embroidery. I bought my machine on Craigs list, so I had no lessons. Thank you for all your hard work, and bringing us all to gether. Cathy from Kansas

by chenille 06 Oct 2013

Thank you so much!

by chantrel 06 Oct 2013

thank you telling us what appends. hope you are not too sad and don't have to much work with all that
bless you
marie from france

by simsim 06 Oct 2013

Thank you, i cant wait. looked forward to it every day.
all my love you family member simsim

by buffy1 06 Oct 2013

Thank you!

by KrystynasWorld 06 Oct 2013

Thank you so much, Miss Veronika. I love this forum so much and truly appreciate your generosity and hard work for us all.

by cicadamn 06 Oct 2013

Thank Youxxxxxxx

1 comment
cicadamn by cicadamn 06 Oct 2013

Thank You Cuties is the first site I look at everyday, just love it, and all the help we get. xxxxx

by zoefzoef 06 Oct 2013

Thank you for the explaination and all you do for us. Take the time needed, we all understand. Xxx Linda

by Lupaccia 06 Oct 2013



by boogie1818 06 Oct 2013

It on ly takes a few to mess up for the rest of us. Thank you for all of your hard work and also a BIG THANK YOU to all the Cuties who contribute. We appreciate it.

by tiply01 06 Oct 2013

Thank you

by trovato 06 Oct 2013

Thanks for the good job you are doing and I hope soon Cuties will be as good as it was before

by posey 06 Oct 2013

thank you

by marie67 06 Oct 2013

Have a nice day everyone, I do not know what happened, the translation is not ok,,, I just wanted to tell you all that I stay in the family Cute continue, I am grateful for the projects that I have seen,,,,, , have given me a lot of inspiration, and plenty of thanks to you I've learned,,, I am from Czech Republic and as you all health-Marie

by irie2510 06 Oct 2013

Miss Veronika:
Thank you so much for all that you do for us embroiderers. We appreciate it very much. Hope that we can back to normal soon with designs.
All the best for this site.
Judy W

by lenamae 06 Oct 2013

thanks so much for all you did and I am so happy you are getting this straighten out.
Love you and thank you so much for your site I have met so many friends on here from allover the world .

by jen15957 06 Oct 2013

I just want to thank you for all you do. It's unfortunate that there is always someone to ruin or take advantage of a good thing. without care or concern for others involved.

by Gerdie 06 Oct 2013

It is unbelievable, that some people ruin your site.We suffer.

by sueo 06 Oct 2013

Ms Veronika, You have been a very giving person and this site has been just amazing for info and designs. Sorry you had a few that have made things difficult for you. We wait patiently for what comes next. Take care of yourself.
Sue from Illinois

by postalchick 06 Oct 2013

This site has been pure gold for me. The designs, ideas, help, and eager people to share their embroidery passion. I appreciate the creator of this site and all who contribute. I wish I could contribute but I am not savy to the embroidery digital world. Maybe someday I can learn to do that. Bless you all and Thanks to all of you,

jrob by jrob 06 Oct 2013

You just did contribute. You have the spirit of Cute Embroidery and just stated it. If I haven't already, Welcome! I'm glad you're here. ;)

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 06 Oct 2013

You sound like a Cutie to me too! Welcome!

by hsarah 06 Oct 2013

You take your time. We can wait. We know you are working hard for us. I'm just so sorry that this has happened, for your sake.

by dentalclogger 06 Oct 2013

Veronika Wow what a blessing this site has been for me and I have enjoyed looking at all the talented people that share designs with us.You have gone above and beyond to bless us and I cant Thank you enough.But take care of yourself first and I look forward to seeing DBC back if you so choose Blessings to you and yours

by dididwiar 06 Oct 2013

Thankyou so much for all you do. I hope all goes well.

by jillian 06 Oct 2013

Thank you for this wonderful site. I agree that there should be no chance of inviting trouble which would be catastrophic
and could end in the closing of Cute Embroider and costly court expenses and loss of income.
Many, many thanks for providing a wonderful haven for embroidery addicts. Lve Jillian

by rmj8939 06 Oct 2013

Thank you for everything you do. Ruthe

by lidiad 06 Oct 2013

Thank you for the information, Miss Veronika.
Best wishes and hugs,

by sjm65 06 Oct 2013

Veronika, from all the wonderful comments, know that you are loved and supported by so many friends, all over the world. When I joined this site about a year ago I knew nothing about embroidery. By reading other posts and asking a few, rather ignorant questions, I have learnt so much. I still have so much to learn and rely on the wonderful knowledge of all the experienced 'Cuties'. The free designs have been amazing and a way for me to learn but they are not the main reason this site exists, well not in my mind! I am in awe of the digitizers who manage to create such wonderful designs and love to look through them, dreaming that one day I may be clever enough to create something so beautiful,(but knowing I won't!!). This must be such a huge burden for you. Please take care of yourself, you are more important. Don't work yourself to death over this, life is to enjoy. If we get the free designs back, great, but not at the cost of your health. True Cuties will feel the same, I am sure. We come here to learn something new, be inspired by the many wonderfully creative people who post their projects, follow the progress of other Cuties lives, share in their happiness and sorrow. Most importantly we come here to brighten our day and feel part of a special family. So take time out for you. You have given us all something so special, a family. I, for one, appreciate everything you have done and continue to do. Thank you ♥

jrob by jrob 06 Oct 2013

Beautifully put. ;)

lantzzone by lantzzone 06 Oct 2013

Thank you for putting into words what most of us feel but are not so eloquent in expressing our thoughts!

by trendygirl 06 Oct 2013

Thank you for the explenation. Hope it will be normal soon!
Gr Angelique

by spendlove Moderator 06 Oct 2013

Veronika, this site is a very important part of the lives of so many people around the world. You have created a wonderful place for us to come for friendship and knowledge about our shared passion. I'm sure that I speak for all when I say we can be patient while you do whatever needs to be done to solve the current problems. Unfortunately, for some, it is a place to come and grab something for nothing and that is a shame. They don't know what they are missing!
DBC has been very important to me in the four years I have been a member of the community. It enabled me to sample the work of a variety of digitisers and learn how good designs were constructed. After that, it gave me a place to share my own designs while I served my apprenticeship as a digitiser. The help and support of fellow community members has been amazing and I could not have achieved what I have without them.
So you see what you have done is probably so much more than you ever thought was possible when you started and it is worth protecting and preserving. Take your time, we understand how difficult it will be.

kezza2sew by kezza2sew 06 Oct 2013

Wonderfully said.

airyfairy by airyfairy 06 Oct 2013

Sue - you have hit the nail on the head with your words.

jrob by jrob 06 Oct 2013

Yes, she did! :)

lenamae by lenamae 06 Oct 2013

Sue thanks you said just what I wanted but did not know I had seen lots of designs that I had seen on other sited and I never down loaded any if I was sure I had.

zeke957 by zeke957 06 Oct 2013

Sue you took the words right out of my mouth (well probably said it better than I could). Thank you Sue and a BIG THANK YOU to Veronika!!!!

bettytaylor by bettytaylor 06 Oct 2013

thank you Sue, I totally agree and thank you Miss Veronika. Betty

clawton by clawton 06 Oct 2013

Well said!

mooie24 by mooie24 06 Oct 2013

totally agree with you Sue, beautifully worded :-)
Big hugs from London
Maria xx

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 06 Oct 2013

Sue, you are so right, in that Cuties has been nurturing and patient with us. I have learned so much about digitizing through the modeling of more talented digitizers. You all keep me wanting to try new things! You too, Sue!

beatie58 by beatie58 07 Oct 2013

Well said thanks Sue.

cj2sew by cj2sew 11 Oct 2013

Sue you said it perfectly.
Thank you Ms Veronika.

baldacchino by baldacchino 13 Oct 2013

Well said Thanks Sue and Thanks to Ms Veronika. I don't know what we would do with out our Cuties THANKS

marfa by marfa 27 Nov 2013

Well said thanks Sue.

by ansienaude 06 Oct 2013

thank u for a answer to a lot of questions i have always appreciate designs from Cute Embroidery seen that i do not have the talent to digitize myself looking forward when everthing is back to normal
thank u Ansie

by juanitadenney 06 Oct 2013

Thank you, I am glad to have the opportunity to read your letter and find out what has happened. Looking forward to things getting back to normal. Juanita

by sissibrode 06 Oct 2013

Thank you miss Veronika !*

by justonlyme 06 Oct 2013

Thank you for clearing the air of misunderstandings! I was truly concerned that you were deeply involved in an ugly legal process. And indeed you are very involved and are probably working overtime to the point of exhaustion. I hope that you tend to your health, and let the DBC portion of the site come back when you are satisfied but not burned out or exhausted. You have created something very beautiful here. You have given us a place to come learn, socialize and share. I've learned more here than I could have possibly learned on my own, and enjoy my visits. We'll be patient, and will rejoice when peace once again falls upon your site. Best wishes. Deanna

by twee 06 Oct 2013

Thank you, I love your site. Too bad a few ruin things for many.

by airyfairy 06 Oct 2013

I would just like to say thank you for letting us know what is going on and thank you for your wonderful site. Hugs Sarah.

by miami 05 Oct 2013

Thank you for all your hard work and is lovely to hear from you Hugs

by jeannie33 05 Oct 2013

Thank you for all you have done for the rest of us. I was so very blessed to have been part of this group. Blessings and stay safe all of you lovely people. Jeannie

by sewmom 05 Oct 2013

Thank you for sharing the update with us.

by aussiequilter 05 Oct 2013

Thanks for the update Veronika , as for me I joined the great site to get help with any embroidery problems , but also for great friendships have developed along the way ,the DBC was just an added bonus, we still are given the chance download freebies daily , what a generous gesture, by miss V .Also getting inspired by the projects displayed in Projects ,And what a great deal , being able to download all the designs by buying a membership at a discount price form time to time ,

Thanks for this fantastic site

by esansom 05 Oct 2013

My heart is saddened by the difficulties you have experienced by maintaining this wonderful site. I have enjoyed being a part of Cute Embroidery and the Community, and I look forward to checking out the Designs By Cuties everyday after work. Thank you so much for providing this great site for us, and continuing it. Blessing to you. Stella

by gjemptynester 05 Oct 2013

Sorry you have to go through this, but thank you for all you do for us. You are greatly appreciated! Hugs

1 comment
graceandham by graceandham 05 Oct 2013

Exactly how I feel. Thank you for everything. I stitched out the Little girl Witch with Mousie today and she is precious. It made my day.

by beatie58 05 Oct 2013

Veronika, a huge hugs and thanks for all your sites, where would us cuties be without your sites to come to everyday and meet up with our friends. I don't post alot but do come here for inspiration and friendship and of course all your wonderful designs, thank you for your generousity. Again huge thanks. Love Sally

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by drro edited 05 Oct 2013

Thank you Ms. V! I am happy to read your good news! Hugs!! Thanks for ALL you do for us! God Bless you always!

by mad14kt 05 Oct 2013

Veronika I always found the sun after a storm. What was meant to break us will make us! I pray that every crooked thing concerning this situation will be made straight and settled without any monetary lost. What the enemy meant for harm will bring a blessing of wisdom/unity/etc. I pray that the PEACE of the Lord overcome every negative report. In Jesus Names I pray, AMEN ...FIESTA ANYHOW ;D *2U

by dana12559 05 Oct 2013

Thank you so much, Ms. Veronika! So many Cuties have so eloquently said what I hoped to say. I appreciate all you and the moderators do to keep us safe. I could never thank you enough for the site. I've learned so much from everyone. You've made a home for digitizers and people who love machine embroidery from around the world. From the bottom of my heart, thank you! Hugs and love, Dana

by flitter 05 Oct 2013

Veronika, I'm very sorry for what's happened to your site, I like to visit daily and have learned a lot from the other Cuties. Thank you so very much for providing this wonderful venue for us and I'm looking forward to whatever you decide to put back

by pldc 05 Oct 2013

Alma has said it just perfectly & I conquer! Kudos to you & the moderators for all you do! Hugs Loralye

by dec716 05 Oct 2013

all the comments have said it all. I just want to say thank you

1 comment
designgirl by designgirl 05 Oct 2013

Same here.

by rachap 05 Oct 2013

I'm so sorry that a few caused you such grief and spoiled it for everyone. Of course,you know that we all so enjoy this site and it's many aspects and can not tell you how much you are appreciated. Will keep positive thought flowing to you!

by theduchess 05 Oct 2013

I just want to say Thank you Ms Veronika, This site(w/wo DBC) is a big part of my life.I look forward to coming here and keeping up with my family. Hugs and love for you and the moderators Stella

by waterhedgie 05 Oct 2013


I have learned a lot on this site from everyone. The one design I posted to DBC is one from a picture of my friend's dog. I had her permission and we both worked on the design. If you have any questions or need to verify the design I can have Paula get in touch with you. Just trying to help in any way I can to make less work for you.

Thanks for everything you and al the other cuties do to help us out.


by manami 05 Oct 2013

Dear Ms Veronika,
My "career" as digitizer started on Cute, and I really appreciate all the feedback I have received from my family Cute, giving me confidence and encouragement to create, developing my skills and open my own website. I have asked to remove all my designs from DBC, to fix some of my earlier designs I did when I was still learning digitizing, and I hope to put them back eventually. Thank you for all you do for us, and I pray this issue will be resolved smoothly. I love you, and love this beautiful family! Love and blessings to you. Yoriko

lenamae by lenamae 06 Oct 2013

Yoriko you brought tears to my eyes for I know how you have struggled and come to love you lots. you did things for me when I needed them just a wonderful person .
I was so thrilled when you made the small puzzle peace's for me when I ask if you could and I have sure enjoyed them .
hugs Lenamae

manami by manami 07 Oct 2013

Dear Lenamae, thank you so much for your lovely words. Love and hugs, Yoriko

by almag 05 Oct 2013

Dear Ms Veronika - what an enormous task you have set yourself and staff!!! I remember when the DBC list was about 100 designs long and I thought that I'd found Aladdin's Treasure Trove. It took me a long, long time really understand what DBC was all about and since then it has grown to a huge collection of wonderful designs - designs by amateur digitisers, true, but as they gained their confidence and felt the acceptance and shared joy their designs brought to other members many of them have gone on to create viable businesses for themselves and their advancing designs. Without your vision these people might still be floundering at the beginning of a digitising career or, worse still, have given up on the hard work needed to digitise good designs. What a generous, caring and sharing person you are.

Far from feeling the need to placate us as we wait for the new DBC list to begin, we will be waiting patiently and, without putting extra pressure on you, we will be backing you all the way. You have created a unique website that has become the focal point of many a member's new day. I thank you for the work you are doing on the new DBC list and, while it will put extra pressure on already busy people, it will safeguard your integrity which we all know is of the highest standard. Rightly or wrongly, wittingly or unwittingly, rules do get bent and broken, often with disastrous consequences, probably more from carelessness or an exciting sense of achievement than from malice.

Thank you, Ms Veronika, for spending time and effort on re-creating the DBC list and not removing it completely from this wonderful site. It is such an integral part of burgeoning digitisers' lives, and those who can't digitise, now that its complete removal would be sad loss.

jussyc by jussyc 05 Oct 2013

Worded PERFECTLY AlmaG, :)

flitter by flitter 05 Oct 2013

I don't think anyone could've said it better!!!

dana12559 by dana12559 05 Oct 2013

I couldn't have said better myself.

shirley124 by shirley124 05 Oct 2013

Very well said. Shirley

by jussyc 05 Oct 2013

WoooooHooo Cartwheeling for you Miss V. Thank you :)

by tilde01 05 Oct 2013

Thank you for letting us know.

by pcteddyb 05 Oct 2013

Veronika, thank YOU for your message. This site has become important to me - with or without DBC - although I enjoy that section and appreciate the work of the digitizers. I visit at least twice a day - sometimes more - checking in on my Cute FRIENDS and seeing how they are doing and what they have been up to. I have gotten much comfort and inspiration and I am glad you have made this wonderful site available to us. Thank YOU again.

by gramsbear 05 Oct 2013

Thanx so very much for all you do for us Cuties, I apreciate all the designs that are done so well, I have never had a problem stitching out one of your designs, and I have used many of them. Thanx again for having Cute Emb for all of us! hugs, Judy

by babolucia 05 Oct 2013

Thank you so much for giving us such a wonderful place to communicate and learn from each other. We are so sorry this happened and we love this site with or without DBC because it's a wonderful family!

by barba 05 Oct 2013

Thak you so much for all you have done to bring a family of cuties together from all over the world. I have received so much strength, comfort and love from members of this site when illnesses have struck my family. I reached out to strangers and they became my friends in an instant. I received encouragement to help me through days that seemed impossible. This is so much more than just an embroidery site. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making all this possible. With hugs, blessings and love to all. Barba

by jerrib 05 Oct 2013

Dear Ms. V: Everything I wanted to say has been said by all the other Cuties that have posted their feelings. This site has brought me many hours of enjoyment and not just the designs, but the help and love from all the members.
With warm Hugs

by shirley124 05 Oct 2013

Many thanks for this update, and this wonderful site. It is a big part of my life. Love and blessings Shirley, Tasmania Australia

by dragonflyer 05 Oct 2013

First, let me say thank you Miss V and our moderators who continue daily to help make this site the family that it has become. It is wonderful to know that DBC will be back up in the future. The task to review all of the designs seems to me to be quite overwhelming. This community is a part of my day and I look forward to sharing, caring and consoling the many friends I have made here, as well as having them do the same for me...I so appreciate your letting us know what is happening...we will remain patient and kind and happy that you have provided us with such a warm community to visit...Love and smiles...

by gerryb 05 Oct 2013

Thank you so much. Not just for the free designs, but for the wonderful site of friends! Always know I can come here & find an answer to my questions!!

by sewilso 05 Oct 2013

Thanks for the update, I appreciate all the hard work you all go through maintaining your website. It has been one of my morning rituals before and after work to visit and still is but without the DSB section it didn't take as long and I've missed that section. I love seeing the projects and everyone's link they share to keep us well stocked with nice things to sew. Thanks to everyone for all you do. Sharon

by pennifold 05 Oct 2013

Good morning Cuties, how encouraging to come on here this morning (it's 8.00am Eastern Daylight Saving time) and see all the positive comments from Cuties from around the world.
I, too, have found lots of learning, comfort and friendship from everyone around the world on this forum and I pray and hope Veronika that you will not be too damaged by the events that have occurred.
We all love and appreciate everything that you do for us on here. I too am sorry to see the wonderful DBC section gone, but rules are rules. I know with everyone's love and support this site will go on to become the once fabulous place it was and has always been.
Love, prayers and blessings Chris, Newcastle, Australia.

nannynorfolk by nannynorfolk 05 Oct 2013

Hear Hear Chris :)

pennifold by pennifold 05 Oct 2013

I've just noticed DBC under maintenance! Now that is positive news! Love Chris

nannynorfolk by nannynorfolk 05 Oct 2013

All together -Hip Hip HOORAY ;)

by hightechgrammy 05 Oct 2013

Ms Veronika, Whew! Now I can get up in the mornings and know what to do while I have my cup of coffee. I LOVE seeing what other Cuties are digitizing and also love planning to digitize something to share with the others. I wouldn't blame you at all for not wanting to put DBC back up after all the trouble it can cause. But, I am soooo happy to hear this feature will be back. Thank you for continuing to work through all the problems. This site is so very valuable to many of us for much more than the designs. Thank you, Jan

by jjjj 05 Oct 2013

Dear Veronika - I am so sorry that this fabulous site and the Cuties and most of all you have been visited by troubles again. You, with such goodness and generosity opened this site to the members here to share with and be supportive to one another. I have been a member here almost from the beginning and have seen a huge amount of love and support shared amongst us. I do so trust that we can get back to the happy supportive place Cuties value so very much. Several contributors have become very able digitisers who now do so professionally - without the stepping stone you have given here that would not have been possible. I have learned so much since I joined as a very new (and even greener) machine embroiderer that I feel this is the strength of the site. I do hope I have expressed my feelings well and trust that you gain strength from the comments here.
With the greatest of respect to you I remain

by seamripper40 05 Oct 2013

Thanks for all you do for us. I enjoyed browsing through the designs. Too bad people can't obey rules. It makes it hard for others.

by reddish 05 Oct 2013

Veronika; this site has brought an enjoyment to my life. Almost daily I come here to read so many positive ideas , that I have gotten such great help at times.So many lovely and creative design works from such giving people.I do appreciate and thank everyone. Diane M.

by gypsylady1 05 Oct 2013

Thank you for the explanation, will be looking forward to the return of the designs. I appreciate all the hard work and talent that the digitizers share with everyone!!

by eyeztodiefor10 05 Oct 2013

Thank you for the explaination. So many rumours I didn't know what to believe. I know this upsets you as much as it does us and I'm grateful you are working on it. Gives us more time to chat and check out projects! Thank you Veronika!

by draco 05 Oct 2013

Thank you so much! We all appreciate all you have done for us through the years. You have taken the right approach for this huge problem. May God bless you and give you the strength to get through this issue.
Love, Blessings and Hugs.

by joansatx 05 Oct 2013

Thank you for all you do. I've so enjoyed your website. You've given pleasure and friendship to many. You have a great following as you know. I'm expecting everything to work out for the best. We will keep looking up! Blessings, Joan

by Dodi2012 05 Oct 2013

Thank you much for your work.

by highlandermom 05 Oct 2013

Thank you so much for all you do. I love this site because you have built it on a foundation of love. That don't get tore down. For love conquers all things. I treasure coming here everyday. Where ever you are Love you and sending you one big hug. You will be a testimony of my blessings with Thanksgiving. Highlandermom. Mary.

by Mkay 05 Oct 2013

I am so sorry that I never took the time to thank all the wonderful digitizers
that took the time and played by the rules. I am so grateful. MKAY

getEdited - SELECT
by gerryvb edited 05 Oct 2013

Thank you dear miss Veronika, for all you do for us. Thank you for this update and explanation about DBC. Hope you and the site don't get into trouble because of this. A pre-aprovement of the designs is a great idea (but a lot of work for you and the moderators).
We can only be grateful for all you do for us, Cute is such a lovely site and we all have the Cute family-feeling. It's always a pleasure to be here. hugs and love for you and the moderators .

by judiemch 05 Oct 2013

I too wish to thank you as well as all the others who do so much to make this site the wonderful, creative & supportive place that it is & will continue to be in the future. It is very much appreciated ..... each & every day, Thank you

by AuntAnnie 05 Oct 2013

I'm sorry it had to come to pre-authorization in order to post in the DBC section. Hopefully, this new procedure will be a building block rather than a crumbling corner stone to a fantastic website that is family, friend, and teacher to so many the world round.

by dailylaundry 05 Oct 2013

Thank you Veronika!!! We appreciate your time and trouble doing all this - know you are so busy anyway!!! Sorry that it has happened - certainly is note fair especially for you! Hugs and blessings, Laura*

by bumblebee 05 Oct 2013

So glad to hear from you Veronika!
Thank You for letting us know what is going on. I hope it all goes well
with DBC etc. Thank You for giving us all such a lovely place to share
our love for embroidery and so much more.
Forever grateful, this site has been so great in so many ways.
The DBC will be better for it all in the end.
Hugs and flowers for you
Linda aka Bumblebee

by cfidl 05 Oct 2013

Thank you so much for the upate. We do worry, about you, this site and our friends here. We also have enjoyed so much that we will be patient and have a positive attitude. Best wishes for a wonderful, happy and prosperous holiday spending and embroidering season!

by sewmary15 05 Oct 2013

Thank you for all you do and for the joy and love this site brings to so many.

by virginiagran 05 Oct 2013

Veronika - I for one appreciated all that you and the other digitizers did for us by giving designs so freely - but with that said you did what you needed to do.