by mnladyus 07 Oct 2013

My project for the day. I used the plastic container that the dried onions come in. I trimmed the top edge off so it was all the same. Makes for a nice little holder as my pens and everything else is always scattered all over my desk.


by carolpountney 08 Oct 2013

Very clever and very nice

1 comment
mnladyus by mnladyus 08 Oct 2013

Thank you

by zoefzoef 08 Oct 2013

Great idea, and now you have a clean desk

1 comment
mnladyus by mnladyus 08 Oct 2013

Thank you. Mine doesn't stay clean long. I work a lot at my desk so it's usually a mess. Lol

by lilylady 07 Oct 2013

sew cute!

1 comment
mnladyus by mnladyus 08 Oct 2013

Thank you

by loosie 07 Oct 2013

This is a great idea, one could make a velcro pocket at the back and make a clothes peg basket for the clothes line, which I desperately need. Thanks for this project idea! HUGS!

1 comment
mnladyus by mnladyus 08 Oct 2013

Thank you. Not to many use clothes lines around here anymore.

by highlandermom 07 Oct 2013

I love it ! Great to recycle and cute design.

1 comment
mnladyus by mnladyus 08 Oct 2013

Thank you

by laffma1 07 Oct 2013

Love the design, and this is a great idea to stay organized!!

1 comment
mnladyus by mnladyus 08 Oct 2013

Thank you

by noah 07 Oct 2013

Love it hugs

1 comment
mnladyus by mnladyus 08 Oct 2013

Thank you Carolyn

by pldc 07 Oct 2013

Clever girl! Cute too, hugs ** Loralye

1 comment
mnladyus by mnladyus 08 Oct 2013

Thank you Loralye ..

by jussyc 07 Oct 2013

So creative, fab job, Jussy :)

1 comment
mnladyus by mnladyus 08 Oct 2013

Thank you

by oaro 07 Oct 2013

What a great idea cute design

1 comment
mnladyus by mnladyus 08 Oct 2013

Thank you