These are so much cuter than the ones that wake me up each morning around 6:30am.
Thank you Anita. I get woke up by man crow a lot. He does sound like one at times. It would be funny if I was not the listener. He is a sweet ol bird as he has a few other animal sounds lol as well. The goose though needs to stop!!!
Your wall looks like mine with all the thread lol
I bet you would like loads more of it too. lol. I will I want more and greens currently on my get list.
nicely done. I don't like crows but these are cute
I don't like them either, lol. But I am always teasing hubby he is one. He sounds like one many a night. You can hear the caw,caw,caw as he sleeps.
Thank you all for looking. You all are so nice. Hugs and flowers to all
Love your crows but, especially love your organized thread stash
I like your crows. I think they look great. A wonderful fall decoration. hugs, Susan