by bikermomfl 11 Oct 2013

Is anybody familiar with the new 6D yet? Hubby bought it for me but now we can't figure out how to even get a design onto the stick to take to the machine! I'm glad he didn't delete my 4D or I'd really be up the creek! Guess we'll figure it out eventually bur I guess I'm just to old to learn new tricks.........


by pennifold 11 Oct 2013

Sorry Karen, I've got the 5D and I would suggest that you go to your dealer where you bought your machine from and ask them for assistance. I had mine put in by my Brother dealer. I use it on my Husqvarna Designer 1 and the Brother Quattro. Have a look on their website and read up on the things they offer. I hope you can sort it out or someone comes along to help you. Love Chris

1 comment
bikermomfl by bikermomfl 11 Oct 2013

thanks, we've been in touch with the Husqvarna website and spoke several times with the people there. My girlfriend has 5D and I can operate that just fine but this 6D is a whole new animal. We only updated because if our 'puter dies 4D won't work with the new windows. Oh well I'm sure we'll get eventually. thanks again......