You are one fortunate Grandma to have such a sweetie to sew for. Yes I can make out the button holes. I saved the pic and turned it right way up and you can see them. Hope you don't mind I did that. The dress is really beautiful. My GD's are both under 3. *4U
Oh, yes, very sweetly .... like the little girl! Flowers for you
very lovely and thank you so much for sharing this with us. The button hole roses are that extra special touch that make it exceptional!;)
Very nice.Can sort of make out the button holes.But why,and don't take any offense at this, can't some people turn the photos up?I am getting a sore neck!Hehehehe!Your beautiful grandaughter deserves a flower.
brenda, lovely your grandaughter and dress! I enjoyed sewing for my grandaughter when she was small and now we're working on embroidery down the leg of her jeans. A flower for U!
unable to make out the rose buttonholes but Mackenzie is beautiful , oh yes the dress is also *4U
Such a lucky little granddaughter to have gramma stitiching allof the outfits for her.
She starts school this fall, so I am playing on making more outfits for her.
Mackenzie is very sweet in her beautiful dress - a little model in the making I think. *4U