Best of luck in your search! And also, thanks so much for the way you posted, making it clear that you weren't asking for the design, or even the specific directions to it, just wanted to know if it was there or had gone MIA. That's the kind of help we're glad to give, and help that's perfectly ok to give. It was just so refreshing to see the nice way you asked for help that I had to comment, and give you a big "thank you" from your moderators!! I really really do hope you find the design you're looking for--those hunts drive me bats, personally, could go blind trying to find things. But you go, girl!! Hugs, Marji
Go for iit again, it´s still there .. and not far from Xmas !
Hugs Aannalena
I tried yet one more time and finally gave up. I know it is a sunbonnet but couldn't find it anywhere. I even sorted through by Christmas and couldn't find it near. It is still available from OPW per their customer service department. Any other helpful hints? Thanks.
Are you talking about the Sunbonnet Swirly block from October?
If that is the was there...I found it, but doubt it is still there as a new month has started.
Thank you for taking the time to post your comment! I thought I had missed it from all the searching! Now I know I am not alone or going mad! LOL
i had the same problem, usually i can find them but this one seems invisible. i'll keep watching this post and maybe we should also check with OPW. glad to know i'm not the only one with this problem.
good luck, for me that store is to big to search on OPW:-) I prefer the layout of the catagories on secrets
big hugs