by babolucia 04 Nov 2013

Little lion stuffie

I digitized it last night. This is the size for 150 by 150 hoops.

I don't have orange fleece. It would look more interesting if I use orange for the back and when the knots are tied, it looks more interesting.

I got the inspiration from a project I saw online before.


by oaro 06 Nov 2013

so cute

by chefin 05 Nov 2013

So lovely
Hugs Micheline

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 06 Nov 2013

Thank you! Lucia

by mops Moderator 05 Nov 2013

Such a great idea, simple and effective! Using a different colour for the back would be nice but I love it this way too.

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 06 Nov 2013

Thank you! It was pretty easy to do. I can't take credit for the idea. I just turned it into an ith embroidery project.

by edithfarminer 05 Nov 2013

It is super with such a cute face.

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 06 Nov 2013

Thank you!

by jerrib 05 Nov 2013

Very cute....

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 06 Nov 2013

Thank you!

by pcteddyb 05 Nov 2013

Very Cute. I see a furbaby toy too!

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 06 Nov 2013


by 02kar Moderator 05 Nov 2013

I like the yellow, he is so cheerful looking.

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 06 Nov 2013

Thank you!

by spendlove Moderator 05 Nov 2013

Super cute!

by highlandermom 04 Nov 2013

Cute stuffie

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 04 Nov 2013

Thank you!

by cj2sew 04 Nov 2013

Some little child is going to love this.
Then again it would make a good safe doggie toy too
Great job. You gave me some ideas - thank you

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 04 Nov 2013

You are welcome! That's why we come to this wonderful site---to share and get inspirations.

by sboo 04 Nov 2013

Very cute

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 04 Nov 2013


by noah 04 Nov 2013

cute for sure hugs

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 04 Nov 2013

Thank you, Carolyn!

by patchwork4424 04 Nov 2013

Your lion is terrific. I love the face and the yellow is just fine. Good job!!!

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 04 Nov 2013

Thank you very much!

by pldc 04 Nov 2013

This is a cutie Lucia, hugs Loralye

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 04 Nov 2013

Thank you! hugs, Lucia

by kanny 04 Nov 2013

Cute....Love his little face

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 04 Nov 2013

Thanks, Karen!

by lilylady 04 Nov 2013

this is so cute!

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 04 Nov 2013

Thank you!