by leenova54 06 Dec 2013

Leenova here. I know you girls (and guys) think of me and pray for me and I finally got a new pic so this is me now at under 90 pounds, on Thanksgiving day with my parents, thank God I have them to care for me, not allowed or strong enough to drive. I use a walker when I leave the house but sometimes not in the house and have taken a few falls so I need to be very careful. The cancer is in my bones so if I break something I can't be put back together. Debra


by mary51 09 Dec 2013

Debra I pray for you every day, so glad to read you post
Merry Christmas for all of you.!!!!!!

getEdited - SELECT
by barbara68 edited 09 Dec 2013

Beautiful photo Debra. Happy Christmas !

by toogie 08 Dec 2013

Yeah ! You finally got your photo uploaded. You sure do resemble your mom, or maybe it is because you have on the same color shirts, and you look about the same height. I will check in on you, hopefully, the middle of the week.Take care-Toogie

by holly12 08 Dec 2013

Thinking of you & praying for you daily. Love the picture. Looking good girl ! Have a wonderful Christmas with your fmily. Arlene

by oaro 08 Dec 2013

So glad to see you and you family Debra thank you for sharing God bless you hard and Hugs and prayers for you Maria

by raels011 08 Dec 2013

Beautiful photo Debra..We have a saying on the kitchen wall that says "LIVE FOR TODAY AND HOPE FOR TOMORROW" Hope you have a great christmas with your loving family
Hugs Raelene

by shozo1271 08 Dec 2013

Wishing you strength to keep fighting the fight! You go girl, prayers from all of us should help!

by pldc 08 Dec 2013

You look lovely Debra & it is nice to see a smile on your face. You are in my daily prayers, do be careful. Hugs & Blessing Loralye

by justsew 08 Dec 2013

Thank you for sharing your lovely photo with us, Be careful strong and feel our love and prayers we send to you.
Hugs Pam.

by christracey 08 Dec 2013

Nice photo Deb. Keep strong. Sending up more prayers for you.

by 1ladyb 08 Dec 2013

Cyber hugs and prayers for you Debra. You are so lucky to have both your parents to give you strength. Hopefully the new year will bring you renewed health. Take care of yourself and many blessings to you and your parents.

by maymason1 08 Dec 2013

so nice to actually see you, you and your family will stay in my on girl <<<<<<

by beatie58 07 Dec 2013

Debra, thanks for sharing this wonderful photo. Have a great christmas with those around you. Huge cyber hugs love Sally

by katydid 07 Dec 2013

Oh ! Be positive and hang in there. We all love you and pray for you Kay

by barba 07 Dec 2013

Gorgeous. The amount of love in this photo is overwhelming. It brought tears to my eyes. You are prayed for and hugged by us every day. Hugs and blessings, Barba

by almag 07 Dec 2013

Dear Debra - what a beautiful photo.... Dad and his girls.
Thoughts for comfort and strength wing around the world to you every day from way DownUnder and those thoughts bounce right back here giving me inspiration and belief that the road you walk can be conquered with courage and dignity.
My wish is that you have a Happy Christmas time with your family.
Much love - Alma.

by gerryvb 07 Dec 2013

so good to see you here, Lovely picture. Please be careful. prayers and hugsfor you .With love Gerry

by lenamae 07 Dec 2013

Deb you look beautiful
such a sweet smile My prayers go out to you.
Your mom and dad look wonderful mom is so pretty .
Love hugs Lenamae

by mumzyfarm 07 Dec 2013

Debra so wonderful to hear from you. My prayers go out to you daily. Love Virdean

by spendlove Moderator 07 Dec 2013

Nice to see you smiling, Deb.

by sboo 07 Dec 2013

Thanks for sharing the picture of you and your parents. Think of you every day wondering how you are doing. Take care prayers sent your way.. Shirley

by shirlener88 07 Dec 2013

Deb, thank you for visiting & also for the updated photo of you and your parents. What love I see in your faces. You are my hero and I pray for you daily. I wished that we were closer, so I could come visit and give you a gentle hug. Is this at your place or theirs? What a tiny little thing you have become, but I see that your mom is as well. I pray that you have a blessed and Merry Christmas with your sons & folks. Unconditional Love, Shirlene

by nonna57 07 Dec 2013

Hello Pretty Lady . Another Xmas . Have a great one . Love Pauline Australia x x x

by aussiequilter 07 Dec 2013

what a beautiful photo Deb ,keep strong , and know we are all thinking of you

by cfidl 07 Dec 2013

You can see in their faces how much they love you. I hope you have a good holiday and can eat more than ever!

by grandmamek 07 Dec 2013

What a wonderful picture of you and your parents. Thank you for sharing it with us. You continue to be in my daily thoughts and prayers. Hugs, Mary

by juanitadenney 07 Dec 2013

Thank you for posting the picture of you and your Mom and Dad. Think about you all the time and what a brave and determined Cutie you are. Juanita

by anitapatch 07 Dec 2013

Nice photo. You must be a strong person with all what you have gone through. I admire you. Take care

by marjialexa Moderator 07 Dec 2013

Beautiful photo, Deb! You look so much like your Mom, and I can see your Dad in you, too. I simply have no words for the admiration I have for you, in the face of your difficulties you don't give up. You are one of my heroes, one amazing lady. Prayers always coming your way, and for your family as well. Hugs, Marji

by crafter2243 Moderator 07 Dec 2013

Thinking of you often. It is nice to see your picture with your parents. Hang in there and be careful.
Hugs Angie

by emily16838 06 Dec 2013

Love you girl. You are in my thoughts. Wonderful picture

by twee 06 Dec 2013

Thanks for the post. You are a strength and example to all of us. Your courage and such dignity in the face of such difficulty. God bless and keep you.

by airyfairy 06 Dec 2013

Dear Deborah, how wonderful to see you with your parents. You are an inspiration to us all. Please be careful when you walk as a fall would be terrible for you. I think about you so much. Thank you for your post.
Love and hugs Sarah.

by michemb 06 Dec 2013

so happy to see you here Debra, that is a lovely picture. I pray that your suffering will subside and know that you are in my thoughts. My heart goes out to you and your family.
I am in awe of your courage, determination and ability to cope.
Continue on your journey knowing that you have friends around the world that care and pray for you.
Big hug

by anangel 06 Dec 2013

I love the proud look on your dad's face, Debra! This is a good picture of you three! My prayers will continue still for a special strength as you continue your battle! Be careful, we do not want you to have any broken bones!! Cyber hugs being sent to you!!!

by graceandham 06 Dec 2013

Debra, I will come back to this spot and pray for you, looking right at you! Wonderful to hear from you.

by manami 06 Dec 2013

Dear Debra, it is so nice to hear from you! I think of you often and say a prayer to you. I love this picture, it is precious! Love and hugs, Yoriko

by vickiannette 06 Dec 2013

Thinking of you Debra.xx

by haleymax 06 Dec 2013

It is so good to hear from you and see this picture. I know how hard the treatments can be on you. Not only the physical, but the mental also. Prayers are with you for strength, peace and comfort for you and your parents. Healing for you. Hugs, Max

by meganne 06 Dec 2013

You are always in my thoughts and prayers Debra.
You are travelling down the roughest road of anyone I know and you are doing it with determination and strength of will.
You have my greatest admiration and love dear friend.
Thank you for sharing this beautiful family photo with us.
Hugs and blessings, Meg

by hightechgrammy 06 Dec 2013

Debra, your dad looks so proud holding on to his girls. Thank you for sharing this beautiful picture. It shows so much love. You are in God's hands, and we pray for you every day. May God continue to bless you and your parents. Love and hugs, Jan

by jerrib 06 Dec 2013

Beautiful picture of you and your parents. You are always in my heart and prayers. May God Bless you Deb.

by darenluan 06 Dec 2013

Thanks for let us know and for sharing this beautiful picture. God takes care about you.

by lulu07 06 Dec 2013

Very nice picture of you and your take care of yourself and hope and pray you have a wonderful Holiday Season...lots of hugs!

by lidiad 06 Dec 2013

You look good, dear Debra! Great idea for you and your mother to wear the same dress and colour. Thank you for posting this lovely photo with your parents. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.
Gentle hugs, Lidia

by noah 06 Dec 2013

Nice picture my friend Merry Christmas !!!Hugs Carolyn

by shilly 06 Dec 2013

Lovely photo; happy holidays to you. I bet your parents are happy to have you with them for the season, so many are alone this time of year....

by shuede 06 Dec 2013

I think of you often and wonder how you are. Thanks for posting the great picture. Bless you and your family! Denise

by rescuer Moderator 06 Dec 2013

My continued prayers for you dear Deb. Thank you for posting!

by aleene 06 Dec 2013

Thank U for posting a new picture, U R looking good! Take care and I will be praying for YOU.

by jrob Moderator 06 Dec 2013

Ah, sweetness! I'm so happy to see your face. You and your mother look adorable dressed alike in pink with big daddy standing as protector over his girls. I'm glad you have them close. I know that it is hard for them for you to be sick, but trust me it would be worse if they couldn't get to you and take care of you. We miss you so much and your humor. I wish you had a metal for bravery that you could wear, but I fear it would cause you to topple over. I still pray for you dear Deb and am not giving up. Strong hugs sent over the net to you. ;)