by minnieb 09 Jun 2008

who would like a tip from Ricky.

Minnieb would come on Ricky sharewhat you have in your head show the world how cleaver Aust girl can be
we love your stuff


by ezzemml 10 Jun 2008

Now that is a good tip. Thank's

by mpo14011 09 Jun 2008

I don't know if this could be classed as a tip.A few years ago, when I was still going to classes, we made a linen shirt with Heirloom embroidery on the front using the decorative stitches on our sewing machines.You would never believe what we used to stabilize the linen.NORMAL PHOTOCOPY PAPER!It pulled away very clean and left no scratchy bits behind.We also used the paper for the decorative stitches on a Jenny Haskins "Cream on Cream" quilt.Worked famously.

lbrow by lbrow 09 Jun 2008

Now I call that sheer genius & good ole make do with what u have. *4U

tabsolom by tabsolom 10 Jun 2008

I've never thought about photocopy paper for machine embroidery, I use it all the time to start off quilt blocks so they don't jam in the plate. You are so smart.

minnieb by minnieb 10 Jun 2008

Ricky was the design dence ,I am going to try it. I have been useing 505 spray to help with hooping it is helping me a lot it holds the fabric for me

mpo14011 by mpo14011 10 Jun 2008

It was not an embroidery design They were the decorative stitches on my normal sewing machine.I am in the process of scanning the photos of the Cream on Cream quilt.Will post it shortly.

ezzemml by ezzemml 10 Jun 2008

Thank For that I am always up For tips that was great

by lbrow 09 Jun 2008

A'm always open 4 tips. there's so much I've got to learn especially about machine embroidery, & I'll never be able to learn everything I need to know, so helpful hint & tips r most welcome