by michemb 04 Jan 2014

Hi all,

thought you might like a break from those baprons, (I do make other things as well LOL)
this is a little girl's (my niece) apron to which I did add her name but forgot to take a picture afterwards.
I combined these designs to come up with this one.
thanks for looking


by judyoake 05 Jan 2014

Nice job-- I love the mauve for a little girl!

1 comment
michemb by michemb 05 Jan 2014

definetly girly right

by teun 05 Jan 2014

Wow,diese sieht auch ganz toll aus
noahs collor...............

1 comment
michemb by michemb 05 Jan 2014


by stella1 05 Jan 2014

Michelle Ilike the aprons for the kiddies Love the material choices and allso the cute and sweet chefs Thank you to sharing your beautiful projects to us. huggies stella

1 comment
michemb by michemb 05 Jan 2014

thanks to you for taking the time to comment Stella, appreciate it

by bridgit 05 Jan 2014

Très joli tablier ! J'aime beaucoup la police de caractères que vous avez utilisée, pouvez-vous m'en indiquer le nom et la taille que vous avez pris pour ce motif ? Par avance, merci et bon courage pour le froid au Canada !!

michemb by michemb 05 Jan 2014

Merci bridgit,
Je vas faire une petite recherche et je te reviens avec l'info.
Pour le froid, la météo nous annoncé de la pluie et du verglas aujourd'hui alors plus chaud.

michemb by michemb 05 Jan 2014

voici le lien pour motif des lettres, il son en vente en ce moment, pas cher et très jolie,

bridgit by bridgit 05 Jan 2014

Merci beaucoup Michelle pour l'info. Bonne journée.

by lucerba 05 Jan 2014

très joli motif et j'aime beaucoup le choix des tissus

1 comment
michemb by michemb 05 Jan 2014

merci beaucoup, choisir le bon tissus est très important pour moi et j'ai beaucoup de tissus.

by oaro 04 Jan 2014

nice design

1 comment
michemb by michemb 05 Jan 2014

thanks Maria

by harleysville 04 Jan 2014

Love this Michelle. The fabric choices are great. . Love the designs.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 05 Jan 2014

thanks Bren

by pldc 04 Jan 2014

super job here Michelle, hugs

1 comment
michemb by michemb 05 Jan 2014

thanks Loralye
hugs back

by lulu07 04 Jan 2014

Adorable! Love the way you used the designs to tell your story...great job my friend!

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michemb by michemb 05 Jan 2014

thanks friend,
you know me, I love to tell a story lol,
big hug

by capoodle 04 Jan 2014

So very cute for a girls apron.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 05 Jan 2014

girls do love their aprons

by baldacchino 04 Jan 2014

Beautiful keep it up I love to see other peopels work and giftswell done

1 comment
michemb by michemb 05 Jan 2014


by snowbird42 04 Jan 2014

my g/d would love this I know I you remember who's design this is?...........soozie

michemb by michemb 04 Jan 2014

this is from;pid=97026 OPW and on sale at the moment, here is the link

michemb by michemb 04 Jan 2014

Oh poo the link doesn't work, I will try again, hold on

michemb by michemb 04 Jan 2014

they are called Vintage chef children by Embroidery Playground and they are on sale at 50% off right now. I have stitched these out several times with excellent result each time.
thanks by the way
hugs and happy stitching.

by noah 04 Jan 2014

Another great job hugs

1 comment
michemb by michemb 05 Jan 2014


by bejoscha 04 Jan 2014

Another great project. Well done

1 comment
michemb by michemb 05 Jan 2014

thank you

by 02kar Moderator 04 Jan 2014

Very cute

1 comment
michemb by michemb 05 Jan 2014


by highlandermom 04 Jan 2014

Very sweet apron love the colors. The little chef reminds me of Cambells soup kids.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 05 Jan 2014

me to, thanks