by almag 05 Jan 2014

Kreative Kiwi offered this free pattern just in time for me to make 21 stockings for family and friends at Christmas time. It was the greatest fun and a wonderful project after months of no stitching at all. Each stocking contained 12 M&M's, a candy cane and a gift card for coffee and a muffin at The Muffin Break.


by baldacchino 07 Jan 2014

Well done your machine needs arest now ??

by almag 07 Jan 2014

Thank you, Everyone, for all your lovely comments. The truth is that this project made me feel normal again for a few days - busy sewing, busy looking after my Honeybun and just getting enthused about Christmas. However, it was Meganne's message that really motivated me. I told her that I decided to 'seize the day because if I didn't it might be just the day I should have seized' and 2014 might prove to be the year that seizing every moment is the way to go. This surely was a brilliant start.

by teun 06 Jan 2014

Sieht ganz toll aus und ein Wunderschönes Geschenk

by lucerba 06 Jan 2014

J'aime beaucoup !

by dragonflyer 06 Jan 2014

Love these...I also got this design from KK...on my list for this Christmas...are you sure ALL of them got 12 M&M's...and there wasn't someone special who got 13????

1 comment
almag by almag 07 Jan 2014

Absolutely sure.... because I miscounted with one and I ate the 13th to make it all even!!!!

by judyoake 06 Jan 2014

What a great idea for next year! You must have been smoking that machine!

by cfidl 06 Jan 2014

Excellent! I am going to make these.

by jrob Moderator 06 Jan 2014

Perfect gift.

by lenamae 06 Jan 2014


by baydreamer 06 Jan 2014

Such a great idea for gifts. Well done!

by ddouville 06 Jan 2014

Great use of small pieces of fabric! Such a nice Gift.

by lidiad 06 Jan 2014

Great job, Alma!
Hugs, Lidia

by edithfarminer 06 Jan 2014

these look super

by christracey 06 Jan 2014

They all look lovely, well done.

by sewilso 05 Jan 2014

They are so beautiful!! That was a lot of work!!!

by rycalkat 05 Jan 2014


by oaro 05 Jan 2014

great job

by capoodle 05 Jan 2014

Beautiful assortment of Christmas fabrics and an excellent way to use a monogram.

by highlandermom 05 Jan 2014

That is a lot of stockings and I am sure all enjoyed. So fun to give.

by vickiannette 05 Jan 2014

beautiful Alma

by noah 05 Jan 2014

Excellent job i bet you had some happy family hugs

by jid53 05 Jan 2014

Great idea will have to remember your idea for next year

by sewhobby 05 Jan 2014

Very Pretty and what a lot of work. Nicely displayed too.
I hope all the recipients were totally impressed.

by quiltfairy 05 Jan 2014

Certainly looks like you're back in the saddle with that project! I hope those who received were as excited as they should have been with such lovely stockings.

by pldc edited 05 Jan 2014

wow that is alot of stockings Alma. terrific job, hugs ****

1 comment
pldc by pldc 05 Jan 2014

& good fillings too

by ruthc 05 Jan 2014

They turned out beautiful. Great job