Merci beaucoup pour le lien, je vais tout de suite voir ce que je peux trouver pour broder des robes pour mes deux petites filles : Elorah 3 ans et demi et Courthney : 2 mois. Amitiés.
Toogie try this one I just opened it.
wow Leanamae she has showcased your finished dress! Good for you! I can certainly see why this is just a beautiful dress that you have done!
thank you my dear friend. I was so thrilled when she sent me a email saying she was going to put it in the show case.
Yours will be just as pretty when you finish it. if you make it. I thought I would see if I could use the design on a baby dress would it be so beautiful?
oh for sure it would be gorgeous! & CONGRATS AGAIN you deserve the recognition for outstanding work here!
Lenamae, this link isn't working for me,got something else?
So very nice if i was only young again lol .Most wee girls would love her hugs
this is where I got it.
I can not find it but I think I got it from Elizabeth .
How beautiful!! Where did you get the designs? My GD recently requested I make clothes for her 18 inch doll and something like this would be great! Please let us know. You did a great job with it!
Oh WOW Lenamae this is just beautiful! where did you get the pattern from? Hugs Loralye
oh la la la qu'elle est belle !!! pour une petite fille aussi, ça irait très bien. D'où viennent ces broderies s'il vous plait ? Amitiés.
Oh, Lenamae, this dress is beautiful....thank you for sharing!
Vickie I had fun making this dress it is so pretty and easy to make.
Hug Lenamae
Lovely doll dress. The pink of her dress designs matches her lips. Very nice work!
What a pretty dress! Nice design choice for this doll.
Oh Lenamae, her little dress is beautiful! I have this same doll, hanging still in the package,no dress on mine.