by michemb 17 Jan 2014

This apron is for those men who love (or not) to cook on the BBQ, now the navy blue on this one is o.k. for me. Again I combined so really can't say where they are from.



by lulu07 19 Jan 2014

The colors work very well for a man and the designs you picked out are great, very nice apron for a man...great job my friend.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 19 Jan 2014

made a few of these,

by oaro 18 Jan 2014

nice job

1 comment
michemb by michemb 19 Jan 2014

thanks Maria

by babsie 18 Jan 2014

Lovely apron.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 19 Jan 2014

thank you

by sewdeb 18 Jan 2014

Terrific apron, Michelle! Love the assortment of designs and the plaid band at the bottom, Perfect!

1 comment
michemb by michemb 19 Jan 2014

added the plaid to make it more manly,

by sewilso 18 Jan 2014

I love your aprons!

1 comment
michemb by michemb 19 Jan 2014


by lucerba 18 Jan 2014

j'espère être invitée à vos BBQ afin de pouvoir admirer ce tablier !

1 comment
michemb by michemb 18 Jan 2014

Il faut attendre quelque mois pour que la neige fond.

by teun 18 Jan 2014

Wowwww,das siehr fantastisch aus

1 comment
michemb by michemb 18 Jan 2014

vielen dank

by stella1 18 Jan 2014

Michelle it is very nice and so beautiful love the colors of the apron and allso the designs the designs is so cute .Have a nice weekend huggies stella

1 comment
michemb by michemb 18 Jan 2014

thanks Stella,
It is definetly a man's apron
hugs back

by pldc 17 Jan 2014

terrific & I am guessing the guy is from Smart Needle, Father's Day set maybe?

1 comment
michemb by michemb 18 Jan 2014

Thanks Lorayle,
No this guy was a freebie from somewhere, I just don't remember where.
Father's day, hostess gift etc.

by highlandermom 17 Jan 2014

Looks great! I love navy blue just not an apron color for me. Guys well at the bbq won't look bad with a splash of this or that. Me once I get into the flour look out I look like I rolled in it some times so I avoid the dark aprons.

1 comment
michemb by michemb 18 Jan 2014

Thanks Mary,
I agree, I prefer lighter shades for my aprons. That way I don't look like a mess while I playing ''Chef'' lol

by baldacchino 17 Jan 2014

Nice Apron love the colour

1 comment
michemb by michemb 18 Jan 2014

thank you