I like it just as it is framed. But, quite some time ago I made a squared stiff wine bag, using a similar design, that holds a bottle of wine for a friend. I put a bottle of her favorite wine in the bag and gave it as a gift to her. She uses the bag with a bottle to decorate the end of her kitchen countertop. Just an idea.
Hugs, Angel
Thanks - you know I did think of making a wine bottle bag, but I was thinking of a totally different design for that project (more generic type of grape design). I will probably still make a bag, for another gift occasion.
It is very nice, I like it either way, framed is very nice though.
Beautiful! Love it framed. May I ask where the design is from?
This beautiful design is perfect framed. Good job!
Hugs, Lidia
Very nice work. Like it in the frame. Could I please ask where the design is from. Thank you, Lyn
Thanks. Design is from Embroidery Library's Art Deco "wine" series. http://www.emblibrary.com/EL/Prod...
There are 4 different large wine designs. I want to make them all to create a nice wall grouping, and this is the first one I have tried. They take a long time to stitch out, but the end result is quite lovely.
Looks like it was meant for the frame. Looks good and even better on a wall.
Thank you. I just had it standing on a sideboard, but it will look nice on her wall. She recently had her kitchen updated, and the colors will go together nicely.
I like it framed. My cousin is a wine grower as is most of her friends and they would love this.
neither i don't drink but if i did drink i would like a pillow lol hugs
Thanks Carolyn. I originally wanted to use a dupioni silk for this project, but couldn't find an appropriate color. That would have made a lovely and shapely pillow, eh. But I already had the frame since that was my initial intent to make it for her wall. Hadn't even thought of a pillow until hubby mentioned it. Oh well, maybe next time...
Nicely done. If I was into wine's this would be what I would enjoy. Seeing it framed.
Thanks so much. I like both ideas, but I think I like the framed presentation best. Then people won't need to touch it, and get it soiled.