by shuede 28 Jan 2014

A special "thank you" to baldacchino for sending a letter and pictures of the beautiful birds and animals that live in her backyard to my daughter's second grade class. I wasn't in the class when the letter was read, but my daughter was especially thrilled to show me the pictures she got! Thank you so much for taking time to participate in this fun project!!! xxx Denise


by marjialexa Moderator 29 Jan 2014

I just love to see Cuties helping each other out this way, and it's so wonderful for the kids in the class to see pictures of real places and things from people that Mom "knows" from all over the world! It really gives joy to my heart! Thanks, Cuties, hugs, Marji

by baldacchino 29 Jan 2014

It dosn't take much to be kind what goes around comes around they call it Karma I try to live my life that way, and I am glad Alexa liked the letter, any time Love Sherene XXXX

by cfidl 28 Jan 2014

That is so wonderful! I am still hoping for a summary and some pics!

by shuede 28 Jan 2014

I forgot to mention the letter came all the way from Queensland, Australia, to California, USA!