that is really pretty, do you have a website?
I am setting up a web site. If you are interested in ordering it now I can send you an invoice from paypal and email you the file once the payment is confirmed.
Pretty. Is the XO a fill stitch or applique? Either way if it is a fill or fabric applique it is lovely and a nice layout.
It is a fill stitch. 13000 stitches just for the X and O. It says love me inside the X and o.
I had to go take a larger look and it rotated upside down but I can see the words. It is a beautiful fill stitch.
grazie, buon s, valentino anche a voi
Grazie! Felice giorno di San Valentino a voi. Spero che ho tradotto correttamente... lol
Absolutely !!
what is the size of the design?
Lois W
Go for it! It's a very nice design., and looks as good as the rest-Toogie