by 02kar Moderator 04 Feb 2014

I keep telling myself that I have all of the designs I need from Embroidery Library. And each week I just have to add more to my stash. But this week, oh my, I will be having fun with these designs. How can I resist! Sigh, I really need therapy. So my handsome hubby tells me.


by almag 07 Feb 2014

Life's just one big confusion right now. I don't even want to know how to resist collection designs. If it weren't for my favourite sites, like EL, CE, KK, AED, bringing me some form of beauty each day, I'd be a miserable old ........ No, I won't say it and I can't write it, but I surely would be it.

by lulu07 06 Feb 2014

I too am guilty, I am a member of this club too! DAA-Design Aholic more designs than I'll probably ever can't resist either. It's good to know that I AM NOT ALONE!!!

by clawton 06 Feb 2014

I just used one of the special sales they were offering. Now I just received the birthday certificate so I need to go in search for more. What fun.!

by rarebird 05 Feb 2014

When we purchased my embroidery/sewing machine one of the women at the dealership remarked "You know, of course, that she who dies with the most designs wins?" My husband is amazed at how many designs I have purchased from EL and their amazing sales. Here's to Happy Hour!

by hightechgrammy 05 Feb 2014

My poor handsome hubby just shakes his head, poor guy. As long as I keep it within reason, he does okay. I usually "only" spend less than $20 on EmbLib a month. And I just buy designs on sale.

by dennis999 05 Feb 2014

I just got finished reading all of the reply posts and low and behold, I receive an email from Embroidery Library informing me of their latest design extravaganza sale!!! Now in fairness, I cannot blame any of you lovely ladies since I have also praised the designs and customer support provided by them. I have come to the conclusion that it is just too spooky that they come up with this latest extravaganza so soon after the many compliments they have received from the Cuties.

I suspect that Big Brother is watching us all!!!!!!!

by gerryvb 05 Feb 2014

collecting designs is therapy !!
hugs, Gerry

by grandmamek 05 Feb 2014

I just finished browsing Embroidery Library. My goodness what a wonderful selection of designs. I am with you Karen, what fun we will have with some of these designs. I can picture some bags made with the sewing theme embroidered on them. Guess I too will have to add some more to my stash.

by ansalu 05 Feb 2014

Like rescuer wrote: It's cheaper than a therapist :o)
I don't spend so much money now on fabric - more on designs. Easier to store and I can use them again and again. There are some fabrics I would never cut because they are so beautiful and when I use them then they are gone...
Enjoy your shopping tour at emblibrary ;-)
Greetings, Bettina

CymbleneJones by CymbleneJones 05 Feb 2014

Is this a design that can be purchased? We all need this one!

ansalu by ansalu 06 Feb 2014

It was a freebie at amazingdesigns a while ago. Sorry haven't found it now but it should be from the same designer like the domestic goddess collection :o)

by lique 05 Feb 2014

What the heck What is money for but spending? And if we enjoy it the better!! Can't take it with us when we die!
So go for it!!!!!

by lidiad 05 Feb 2014

You are in very good company, Karen! It seems to me that this is good therapy.... he he he....
Hugs, Lidia

by eyeztodiefor10 05 Feb 2014

Karen, you are so not alone when it comes to Embroidery Library! i love their designs and some of the sales they have are too darned irresistable!! You know you always get quality with their designs so I don't mind splurging there when they are on sale. They sure have some awesome designs!

by hightechgrammy 05 Feb 2014

There are a lot of collecting hobbies that cost a lot more!

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 05 Feb 2014

How much does one round of golf cost?
How much is one night of bowling?

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 05 Feb 2014

How about going out for one round of drinks with the girls?

PatriciaVosloo by PatriciaVosloo 05 Feb 2014

Not a consideration! Drinks are gone in a FLASH but the designs are always available. Another frequent shopper at Emb!!! Patricia with greetings

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 05 Feb 2014


by airyfairy 05 Feb 2014

Karen, I am sure we all need therapy - please tell hubby that you are not the only one.

by hightechgrammy 05 Feb 2014

And Lucky Me! They sent me a gift certificate for $10 for my birthday with all these wonderful designs for just $! each! Be sure to sign up for their birthday club!

by cfidl 04 Feb 2014

This is my therapy! keep me moving, and I am always happier when I am stitching (and it is gong well)!

by cj2sew 04 Feb 2014

I'm right behind you. Their sales are the best. I like also no matter what I can go back to their site and download again and again. I like that I can change the format and download it. I like how they let me know not to buy a design for the 2nd time and they tell you what order you can find it in. They are a really good company. I especially love their redwork design you don't see them everywhere else.

by sewilso 04 Feb 2014

lol! I had to have a couple myself, $1 a piece wasn't too bad. They had a nice sale.

by capoodle 04 Feb 2014

All I can offer is to put a limit on your spending for the month and shop your own designs. It is difficult because there are some beautiful and amazing designs available to get with just a few clicks on the computer. Then after all it is a hobby and you have to have designs on hand for whatever might come up. Oh! Go shop away ~ It's good therapy. lol

graceandham by graceandham 04 Feb 2014

Shop my own designs? Spoil sport.

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 05 Feb 2014

I agree, when it comes time to stitch, it's time to check out all the luscious designs we all ready have! I really appreciate the EmLib tells us when we put a design in our cart we already have. When that happens I usually buy it in a different size. It's really fun to just to visit my own designs and just look at them all with my viewer!

by abbie 04 Feb 2014

Oh I agree! It's a sickness but such a fun sickness.

by koko4 04 Feb 2014

OOOOOO I KNOW!!!! me too! I keep saying I don't need anymore designs and then Embroidery Library has an irresistible sale!!!! I just can't help myself!!! ;)

by rescuer Moderator 04 Feb 2014

A therapist is $150/hour. With as ill as we all seem to be that would mean we need at least one visit per week. Do you know how much fabric and stabilizer and thread and designs I can get for LESS than $150 a week? LOL
THIS is the cheapest therapy around!

cfidl by cfidl 04 Feb 2014

I do love your thinking!

ansalu by ansalu 05 Feb 2014

You are soooo right :o)

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 05 Feb 2014

I love your reasoning!

by dennis999 04 Feb 2014

I do agree. Embroidery Library is an excellent site. I have never had a problem with any of their designs and they provide some excellent guidance by way of downloadable project sheets. I also believe that they are extremely generous with their free designs which are always of the highest quality. I also agree that Urban Threads is another excellent site.

Now, thanks to those two reminders I shall have to visit both sites again soon and try to clear the wish list for my wish list.........................

by asterixsew Moderator 04 Feb 2014

Checking out the offers on Emblib each week is part of the fun of machine embroidery. I think that all of us are probably sitting on more designs than we are ever able to embroider in a lifetime. Think that I also collect many Urban threads designs too. Embroidery designs take up little storage space and in my case my husband is oblivious as to the quantity of designs I own. Happy embroidering and keep collecting the designs as you will never know when you will need them

dennis999 by dennis999 04 Feb 2014

"..........and in my case my husband is oblivious as to the quantity of designs I own."


asterixsew by asterixsew edited 04 Feb 2014

Is this blackmail Dennis? My husband does not come to Cute and rarely looks at my laptop or goes through the memory sticks. But he has his vices too...

ansalu by ansalu 05 Feb 2014

Mine makes the taxes so he gets all my bills for designs. Last year he asked me if I have not some more *lol*

by bevintex 04 Feb 2014

I got a birthday coupon for mine . Even better when it's free

by gerryb 04 Feb 2014

Me too! But I had to have that peacock from last week!!

by pldc 04 Feb 2014

this is almost cheaper then seeing a professional & this is a lot more fun!

1 comment
graceandham by graceandham 04 Feb 2014

And at the end of therapy, you still have more designs to sew!