by rosemaymay 09 Feb 2014

I have been working on a tee-shirt quilt for my hubby. With all the shirts from his various scuba diving locations. Well, it is a king size. I tried to set it up with my sewing machine. It is TOO big and heavy. I cannot quilt to do it justice. So sad, just had to vent a little. Thanks for being here.


by cj2sew 09 Feb 2014

I do longarm quilting but, my machine is not set up for king size. You can find a good longarm person by checking with your local quilt guild. They charge around a penny and a half per square inch or a little more depending on how you want it quilted. If you don't want to do that you have two other options. Go to a sewing shop that will rent you time on their longarm. They will give you a lesson and help you set up for a fee. The other option is separate your quilt into fourths and do a quilt as you go effort. Trust me one fourth is a lot easier to do under a domestic machine. That is how I learned.

rescuer by rescuer 09 Feb 2014

These are very good options. I would pay to have it done -- but only because it is a one of a kind item. If it were just regular fabric I might take on the challenge to do it at a shop.

theduchess by theduchess 10 Feb 2014

i AM super lucky. Two weeks ago i WAS LOST(AS USUAL) AND FOUND A TINY NEIGHBORHOOD AND A SIGN IN FRONT OF A CUTE HOUSE.LONGARM QUILTING so I stopped and went in. She charges $45.00 per quilt regardless of size. . She top stitched 2 already for me and I am very happy with her work. I told her I would put her name out on the sewing circles.

cfidl by cfidl 16 Feb 2014

I think the quarter method is great. I had not heard of doing it that way, and I think for me it would be the way to go. Thanks!

by rachap 09 Feb 2014

I totally agree with you, they are too heavy and unweildly. maybe you can find someone to long are this for you. I have a lady who does a much better job than I could ever even think of doing so I have finally given up on anything larger than a twin and send them to her. I'd rather spend the dollars to have it quilted than at the Doctors with neck and shoulder problems!