It is beautiful!! It almost looks antique or shabby chic with the softer colors, love the quilting buttons fabric, should I go on? I love it! I wish I could make one even half that pretty!
I love it Sue, what are you using them for? Hugs Kerry
Ah, Sue, always on to the next challenge. it's very well done andyou should take your right hand around to your left shoulder and give a congratulatory pat.
Love the fabric spools and of course the basket.....was this too small for you to wear?-lol
Very nice. Love the fabric and the lining colour also the buttons. Shirley
This is very cute..... If you have two fabrics you are quilting with wadding you can put the top fabric and wadding on the top of the hoop and the bottom fabric on the bottom of the hoop (shot of spray adhesive) and then leave the stabiizer inside (I do this for many things where I want a quilted fabric and want to let the machine do it instead of me doing it the old fashioned sewing machine way). If I am doing things where I need wadding and I am putting in a zipper, etc. I use washaway stabilizer and then I just wash it when I am done - nothing left to pick out..... I HATE picking out stabilizer....
Unfortunately this is quilted after the square is finished off. Otherwise I would have done as you suggested, but without any stabiliser at all.
You can quilt this in the hoop without any stabilizer, if the piece is not big enough to hoop it, I make a frame around it, with bastingstich from old fabric and remove it after quilting, so you have not to pick out something
Serger quilting might do a quicker job. Either way, the quilting does add an interesting dimension to the box.
Oh, now we are getting fancy!!!! I'm loving this. You could always just either push them to one side and tack them down or press the edge to open the inside corner and tack it that way.
Love the fabric - perfect for a "Stitcher". If you sew the inside points of the corners together it would make a small slot against the side panel to hold something flat in place (ruler? maybe). Nice job!
What size is it Sue???I almost Quilted the last one ,i might try a crazy quilted one yet lol .Great job hugs