getEdited - SELECT
by sewmom ( edited 23 Feb 2014 ) 23 Feb 2014

Advice please. I digitized this 1/4 inch high lettering myself. The front isn't too bad although some of the letters have double and some have single stitches (I think that happened because I changed the start and stop points.) The back is awful. The back for the rest of the design, which has fill stitches, if fine. Any ideas why the back is so bad?


by airyfairy 02 Mar 2014

Dear Sewmom - I have absolutely no idea how to digitise, although I do realize that 1/4 inch is very small and probably very difficult. I am sure with practice and the help of some Cuties all will be well. Hugs Sarah.

getEdited - SELECT
by moyed edited 02 Mar 2014


If I may add my penny worth.When I digitised my first design, Meganne, gave me this advice
It is best to try to have as few stops n starts as possible. SO. Have the end of the 'b' and the start of the 'e' at one point. The same would apply with the next two words. PM me if you need any help

by sewmom 26 Feb 2014

I took out the cut between each letter and it worked fine. I also played with double stitch and bean (triple.) My final project will use the bean stitch. Thank you everybody for your input!

by twee 24 Feb 2014

Did you resize the design after creating it? Is your bobbin going in the right direction? Check the top threading of your machine to make sure it is threaded correctly would be my suggestions. Start and stop should not be a problem that would look like this.

What software are you using?

by christief 24 Feb 2014

Not familiar with the software, but did look it up on the internet and under features it says that the software comes with Lettering options.

Maybe that the cut after each letter caused the back to look that way? Maybe there are some tutorials on YouTube or other places that can help.Users Manual?


1 comment
sewmom by sewmom 24 Feb 2014

Thank you. It does have plenty of lettering in the software but this was a lesson in digitizing my own letters.

Yes, perhaps I didn't hold the threads back between each letter well enough.

by marjialexa Moderator 23 Feb 2014

Wow, what a mess! I can't imagine why, actually, if you did each letter individually. I hope someone like Martine or anyone with more experience lettering comes along to help. The front looks ok, but the back looks almost like it was trying to develop nests! What the heck? Hope you get it figured out, hugs, Marji

1 comment
sewmom by sewmom 23 Feb 2014

Maybe my stitches were too small or I needed to change the tension. I don't know either.

by asterixsew Moderator 23 Feb 2014

Sorry I have no idea at all. What softwear are you using and from having spent the better part of the afternoon producing some lettering and stitching it out I would rethread after putting in a new needle. Out of curiosity what is the font? I hope that someone is able to help. Or quickly iron some iron on Vilene over to stop the stitches coming apart

sewmom by sewmom 23 Feb 2014

I'm using MasterWorks II. There is no font, I digitized the stitches myself. It's a first stitch out of this design, I didn't expect it to be perfect so it's a scrap and doesn't need to be saved. It's all for learning. I'm going to make changes to the design and stitch it again I'm just not sure what changes to make for the lettering.

sewmom by sewmom 23 Feb 2014

Honestly, the front turned out a lot better than I expected LOL!

by muflotex 23 Feb 2014

Hi sewmom, no idea but as a first shot I would guess, cut of thread and new start on each letter. hope some of the more knowledge cuties come to the resue.

1 comment
sewmom by sewmom 23 Feb 2014

Thank you but these do have a cut after each letter.