by oldtimer992005 07 Mar 2014

hello cuties, once again thank you all for your comforting words.i have read them over and over again and they help to ease some of the pain. i feel for all of you who have lost a pet. i have decided not to get another pet for it just hurts too much.i can keep busy doing other things.there is a couple of stray cats, i think they are stray, that come around the house. i can talk to them.i just do not want to get too close to another other doggie could ever replace my baby.he was just different than any other dog or cat i have known.i fed him everyday with a spoon and talk to him and he would talk back to me softly. when he finished eating he would touch my hand lightly as if he was saying thank you.everyday he would walk around the house and check everything out. if something was out of place he would stand by it and growl till you came and put it back.the lid in the backroom had to be put down, if i left it up he would let me know.if somebody came to the door, he would stand between me and the door to make sure nobody would hurt me.he slept on the floor on a big doggie pillow by my bed and always checked on me to me sure i was ok.he was very smart and knew so much.i could always tell him how i felt and he would sit and look at me as if he often i wished i could understand his language. so this is why i do not want another one. it would not be fair to him nor to another dog. i would like to say thank you to Meganne for the poem about the rainbow bridge. i have read it over and over. i also had a golden spaniel before i got this one. the other one was beautiful too. somebody poisoned him with gopher poison. i lost a cat too. so i can not take anymore hurt. thank you all for everything. i wish the best for all of you and god bless you all.


by gerryvb 08 Mar 2014

Thank you for sharing the story and telling how he was. But never say neber. Give it time .....I know the feeling I had such a sweet dog too. And I always said, no other dog can replace my Polly. But after more than a year i had a new dog, it's not a dog like Polly , but this little dog Djenna had other lovable things too. And my 1st ( Queeny) and 2nd dog Polly still have their own place in my heart. And the little dog i have now is 13,5 year already. So she gives me so much love over the years. I know I will have to say goodbye again one day. But a dear pet can give you so much . That's why I hope you have a lot of sweet memories to cherish. Hang in there and give it time . my hugs for you.

by graceandham 08 Mar 2014

Loved reading the story of you and your pet. I've had 12 cats through the years, but two stood out. When I stood at Hamlet's grave, I said over and over, "You were the best." Years and years later when Radar was killed in the road, I told him "You were the best, too." Now I have Dubba (W.C.- Wild Child) and Sugartoes to keep me company.

1 comment
asterixsew by asterixsew 08 Mar 2014

What lovely names

by eyeztodiefor10 07 Mar 2014

Thank you so much for telling us about him. I was so hoping you would! Now really isn't the time to decide on getting a new pet, take time to grieve and maybe someday, you will think about it again. Maybe you could keep a journal next to your chair and write to him. Tell him everything as if he were listening to you right there. Remind him of those special times and write them down as you think of them. After awhile you will have all those memories to read over and over again. I wish I could give you a big hug but for now just know we are here for you whenever you want to talk.

by noah 07 Mar 2014

Your heart knows best .Hugs and more hugs for you Carolynxxx

by asterixsew Moderator 07 Mar 2014

Lovely to hear from you and telling us about your small dog. Animals are wonderful and when one leaves us it is painful but the memories remain. After having 4 cats at one time we only have one now and each morning she talks to me. Thinking of you dear.

by rescuer Moderator 07 Mar 2014

My heart hurts for you. I have had some amazing pets over my lifetime. Losing my big, black, furry, best friend and protector 2 summers ago still hurts as if it were just last month.
My heart will heal and one day the right furry friend will come along -- until then I will enjoy the memories of my years with her keeping watch.

by 02kar Moderator 07 Mar 2014

I understand how hard it is to lose a beloved furry family member. You come talk to us any time you need some comfort. So many of understand the pain of losing a pet.

by gerryb 07 Mar 2014

So sorry. But I do understand. My uncle had a guide dog for the blind for many years (who was almost human!) and after the dog died my uncle said no more guide was like losing his eyes a second time when Cho died. I'd never though of it like that. Hopefully you can volunteer some at an animal shelter where the dogs will "love on you" as you love on them!

by tiggy000 07 Mar 2014

YOU might feel that way right now but leave yourself open .Later on, you might find another little one that needs your love. Seems this last little guy was here for you but it could be that there is another little one out there who needs you! Those memories are to bring you joy and not sadness. Each little creature has its own personality and will create new memories for you to enjoy.

1 comment
Patricia109 by Patricia109 07 Mar 2014

Tiggy000 could be right. So leave the door open a little bit.

by jrob Moderator 07 Mar 2014

I'm so happy you found some comfort here with your friends. You can talk to us anytime, we really do care.

by dennis999 07 Mar 2014

Those are wonderful memories for you to hold on to and, of course, you must do what is right for you and your doggie friend. Take good care of yourself and know that we are here for you any time you want to chat.

by sewemb 07 Mar 2014

Please take care of yourself