Well, Carol has been working on this ever since I posted, and still no luck. It seems that one of the moderators banned the IP addresses of some spammers and my IP was right smack dab in the middle. So every morning I get an email from her telling me to try it again ... and every morning I write back to say it's no good. *Sigh* Maybe when I move into our new home I'll have a new IP and it will work!
Sorry you are having problems but at least someone is working on the problem and you are aware of what has happened. Hope its sorted soon
Contact your Internet Service Provider and ask for their help. Let them know you have been working with the site to correct the issue. Ask if they can help in any way.
I haven't tried but I will go see, the way my morning is going,I probally won't be able, to get in either.I know when I first tried to join,I kept getting,like rejected.It made me feel so bad,like I wasn't good enough.But I was encouraged by Cuties to try again, and I finally got signed up.It does make a person feel bad,but don't.I'll try and see.Let you know.
I got in and even dl class of 2014, to see if that worked.Can you even get a message to them?
I believe CajunQuilter is the forum owner (Carol) .. she says to email her if you have trouble logging in: If you need assistance of any kind please email carol @ allbrands.com (remove the spaces). This info is in the forum, but not very helpful if you can't get in. I know she personally helped me when my IP was banned for some reason when I first tried to join. :) xXx
Thanks, that's good information and a way for Krystyna to find out what's going on.
I haven't but I will go there now and see what happens.
Nope, got right in.
There must be some kind of error on your IP address. I really don't know how to help you, but if you know how I can, please feel free to ask and I will try.