getEdited - SELECT
by anssmile ( edited 06 May 2014 ) 04 May 2014

Do I REALLY REALLY need to go on a diet, Mom? Why? Don't you like me soft and cuddly? Will I get hungry? My little miracle who needs to go on a diet according to our vet.

I got him as a very small kitten, and he started getting very severe epilectic fits soon after. We kept on adjusting his medication until we got the fits under control.

The vet was very sure he will never see his first birthday. She cautioned me not to get too attached to him, as she knew how much I grieve when I lose a furry family member.

She was wrong. With lots prayers, love and medication, he turns 12 this December. The time for miracles did not end, he is living proof of it.

At 4 years he became so ill the vet thought he was dying. He was just lying there, not moving, and he could keep nothing in, not even fluids. He had to be fed intraveniously.

He had to stay in the vet's rooms for 4 days. I prayed a lot the first day he was there, standing at his side. The second day he was sitting up and washing himself. The vet could not understand what happened, but I did - it was a miracle!

And I needed one, the day he sat up to wash himself, was the day I had my mastectomy. The vet took a picture of him sitting up with her mobile, and send it to me in hospital. What a great relieve it was!

This is a picture of him lying on a comfort chair.


by basketkase 06 May 2014

Oh wow, now there is a face that captures the heart.........I love the shape of his muzzle........he reminds me a lot of my Charlie and mine is also a big baby boy.....maybe it is something in the fur coloring that makes them bigger...LOL! Am thrilled he has survived his ordeals with your love and medical intervention.......I am also happy to know that your son has allowed your furbaby to move in along with you!!!

1 comment
anssmile by anssmile 07 May 2014

Thank you.

I flatly refused to go ANYWHERE without the two cats. It is such a problem to find apartments that allow you to keep cats or any other animal.

No, it is not he coloring determining, his sister is basically the same colour as he, but she is the tiniest, daintiest little lady I've ever seen. Although she picked up a little round tummy in the last year... But I am sure she still weighs just over 3 kgs, where he is closer to 9kgs.

by anssmile 06 May 2014

The vet wants me to put him on a diet. Whoever thought it is easy to put a cat on a diet, should meet this one.

He has the softest paws, and if he is hungry, he just comes and sit next to you, touch you softly with a little paw to tell you he is hungry, and then just sit looking at you, waiting for his food.

If you do not react, that little paw would touch you again, and the whole process would be repeated. He does not understand the concept of diet, and his life style would not keep his weight down without keeping him hungry all the time.

He is fat because the medicine he takes makes him lazy to move.And hungry. He is very inactive, and therefore does not burn enough calories to keep his weight down. In order to keep his weight down, I would have to keep him hungry all the time. That would be very cruel in my book.

Now, what would you rather be: Happy, and not hungry, but over weight? Or an ideal weight, hungry all the time, and grumpy?

I prefer to have a happy cat. I'm told by my vet it's cruel to have him over weight, as it will shorten his life span. I prefer to have a happy cat with quality life, even if his lifespan is shorter. Why would you want to live longer if you are hungry and grumpy all the time?

Hugs from us both.

by katydid 05 May 2014

Those eyes melt your heart!! KAY

1 comment
anssmile by anssmile 06 May 2014

I think he is gorgeous.

by bevintex 05 May 2014

Kitty looks like he is wearing a bib. Good looking cat.

1 comment
anssmile by anssmile 06 May 2014

Thank you.

by sdrise 05 May 2014

Love and prayers go a long long way!! He is a handsome fellow! suzanne

1 comment
anssmile by anssmile 06 May 2014

Thank you.

by eyeztodiefor10 05 May 2014

Thank you for sharing your photo and story of your miracle! We have a dog that has epilepsy and it is very hard on the animal to have a seizure. Thank God for meds for our furry friends! These little fur balls are very much a part of our family and loved very much. I'm happy that your baby proved the vet wrong and lived so much longer than the vet had thought. Thanks again for sharing!

1 comment
anssmile by anssmile 05 May 2014

My pleasure. My vet told me about a cat that reached the ripe old age of 28, while still having a quality life. We are aiming to better that!

by hightechgrammy 04 May 2014

This is a Miracle cat for sure! What is his name?

1 comment
anssmile by anssmile 05 May 2014

When he was a baby, I started calling him Babetjie. It means little Baby. (pronounced baa-bee-key.) The name stuck. He is round, soft and very cuddly, just like a baby. And he is the size of a baby.

People tried to bully me into naming him something else, including the vet (she was my friend since school days) but I liked the name. He is my baby, even though he is really a big cat.

by noah 04 May 2014

wow makes me want to kiss his furry two have been through a lot together .Keep going girly our God is with you both .He is the miracle giver.Hugs to you both Carolyn

1 comment
anssmile by anssmile 05 May 2014

Thank you. Yes, he is very special.

by Patricia109 04 May 2014

He has a sweet face.

1 comment
anssmile by anssmile 05 May 2014

Thank you. I'm in love with his front paws - only the front portion of his two front paws are white, he does not have white socks on his front legs.

by shirley124 04 May 2014

He sure is a beautiful cat. What a lovely story. Shirley

1 comment
anssmile by anssmile 04 May 2014

Thank you.

by Midnight1 04 May 2014

What a wonderful story to share. We do love our furry friends.

1 comment
anssmile by anssmile 04 May 2014

They are totally like my children. His sister rules the house!

by cfidl 04 May 2014

He is beautiful!

1 comment
anssmile by anssmile 04 May 2014

And warm, and cuddly, and lovable, and....

by pennifold 04 May 2014

Hi Ans, he is a good looking cat. I'm so glad that he survived those early problems. He is living proof that miracles do happen! Keep well yourself. Love and blessings Chris

1 comment
anssmile by anssmile 04 May 2014

Thank you. He is fat and lazy, but such a dear. He sleeps in my arms at night.

by sewilso 04 May 2014

Very pretty cat! I hope both of your are doing better, sending prayers and wishes for you all.

1 comment
anssmile by anssmile 04 May 2014

Thank you so very much.