by mad14kt 11 May 2014

5/11/2014 * Happy Mother's Day to all near and far!!! I pray this day brings you JOY, HAPPINESS, PEACE but most of all LOVE!!! Enjoy your SPECIAL DAY set aside just for you all!!! No matter what your pain or hurt may be today, just remember it's a REASON you woke up ALIVE today and that's enough to REJOICE over!!! FIESTA ;D


by Leaha 11 May 2014

You are so right! Hope you have a wonderful day also. At least we woke up, there are many others who may have not had that privilege. :)

1 comment
graceandham by graceandham 11 May 2014

A dear friend of ours has two new grandkids adopted from overseas this week. The parents arrived back in the U.S. with the kids only to be called that night with the news that the other granddad had dropped dead! We never know! I feel so bad for the mom, all that joy and sorrow mixed together, although I am sure that God will bring her joy and peace as she begins to communicate with and parent these two children, 3 and 5 years old, who speak no English. Pray for this little family.