by anssmile 19 May 2014


One should not hate others, but we have a problem in South Africa - the stealing of telephone and electricity cables.

Our telephone cables were stolen sometime last week, resulting in telephone and internet connections that do not work.

I absolutely hate this! At the previous place we stayed, our electricity cables were stolen 5 weeks in a row, a day or two after they were fixed.

The criminals got so clever, they did something with the earth leakage cable, causing any electrical appliance plugged in when someone switches on a appliance, to burn out. Something to make the theft less obvious? But it caused us a huge financial loss.

We had to replace freezers, refrigerators, computer screens, microwave ovens, etc.

So now I have to wait and see if the telephone keeps on working... What a pain!

They started to use a new type of cable people can't sell on the blackmarket. Hope they replaced the stolen cables with these new ones.

Enjoy your week!


by eleen 20 May 2014

Yes it could be frustrating. We do not have telephone lines in our area and the mobile services works great. We use mobile wi fi connection and cell phones. I can then even take my modem device along on holiday. In fact it is my experience that it is much cheaper and speed wise not a problem at all. Perhaps worth wile to investigate this possibility.

by airyfairy 20 May 2014

South Africa has many problems and we will continue to have problems while unemployment is so terribly high. The people who steal are probably desperate to feed their families. I know it is wrong but we would probably do the same in their place.
Sarah (Knysna)

1 comment
anssmile by anssmile 20 May 2014

We had a drug lord staying a block from us, and the police suspected it was some of those crowd doing it...

by pacmp 20 May 2014

It is sad to think about the hardship that is caused due to these types of losses you have experienced, multiplied many times over and each of those families has likely lost their appliances and electronics, causing massive financial hardship. So many families are already struggling and then this happens not just once, that would be already difficult enough but 4, 5, 6 times???? How can any family deal with those types of losses? Then factor in that while those services are down then those residents are then at risk of more violence as the criminals would know that those people would not be able to call for help, it all just makes my heart ache for the situation that good people like you are placed in.

Wish that they could make a special cord like the surge protected cords to prevent the damage from happening to your appliances when the power is restored again.

by cfidl 20 May 2014

Wow! Not good. Hope all stays up and running for you! You have digitizing to do!

by toogie 19 May 2014

They must steal it everywhere,as copper brings them high dollar.Shame.

by Leaha 19 May 2014

This is indeed terrible! It will only stop when everyone is held accountable for their own actions and the consequences are enforced...ain't happening any time soon. It's not PC.

by 02kar Moderator 19 May 2014

Oh, I hurt for you. What an awful thing to have to experience.

by gerryb 19 May 2014

Oh my! Are they stealing it for the copper in it? Here in our TN town you have to leave a thumb print if you are selling copper! Has slowed down the stealing a little bit. I will NEVER understand why people think the world owes them a living, so they just take what they want. Well, I guess I do understand...the devil! Sorry this keeps happening to you!!

by shozo1271 19 May 2014

Anneliese, That sounds like a horrible nightmare... **FLOWERS**

by spendlove Moderator 19 May 2014

It happens here in England as well.