I will make you a small flower. Send me a private message with the size flower you want and the file type your machine uses. I can also give you a tree if you'd like.
Be sure to use the PM (Inbox) to exchange email addresses. It is not safe to do that on the open forum. Bots crawl sites for email addresses (to send Spam and for other nefarious reasons) all the time.
Thank you so much, you are very kind. I will get back to you vvvvery soon as I have been away for several days.
Embroider Library has lots of "miniatures" that include flowers.
Thank you, this is a new project for me, never made an applique quilt block-just joined quilt quild and they gave me house pattern and said to make 10 x 12" patch, so I need help to embelish it.
I forgot to state I would like to emb. small flowers around the house, but all my designs are too large, just wondered if anyone whew where to get small ones.