by anssmile 31 May 2014


I'm being trained by a parrot!

I have a beautiful Quaker parrot. They are very small, mostly green, with a grey face and dark blue tones in the feathers on their wings. There used to be two, but the one died last year. The one that's left is very loving and very tame.

I used to give them special parrot pellets and seeds, but for a few months I could not find the pellets they are prepared to eat (we moved, and I could not find the pellets where we are now.) If they didn't like the food, they just threw it out of the food bowl piece by piece. They refused to eat any other parrot food but these pellets, believe me, I tried!

Two months ago I finally found the pellets I wanted. So I start giving it again to my little parrot. However, she decided she does not like pellets anymore, and insists on having only seeds.

She literally takes these little pellets one by one and throw them on the floor, screeching (a high, very irritating sound!) all the time to indicate her displeasure.

Seeds alone are not healthy for her, so I tried mixing them in with her seeds. She screeched and threw the pellets out.

I tried taking the seeds away to force her to eat the pellets, and you would not believe the noise such a little thing can make! So I put her seeds back.

She definitely trained me to leave her seeds alone...

I tried to feed her the pellets one by one per hand. She grabs it from my fingers, and threw them away. She would eat fruit from my hands, but not pellets!

Now I am at a stand still. She needs to eat these pellets, as they are a balanced diet for her. I can not afford to buy fruit, so I can not add fruit to her diet. Seeds only can result in fatty liver disease...

Do any of you have any idea how to get her to eat pellets again? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

The photo shows a monk parrot. Beautiful, aren't they!

Best Regards


by cfidl 31 May 2014

I can empathize, my dog will not eat dog food, only table scraps and cat food. I do worry, however I am not in charge.

1 comment
anssmile by anssmile 31 May 2014

They do have minds of their own, don't they! Mine talk to me all day long.

She only screeches (and it is really an irritating sound!) when she is unhappy. She doesn't use a lot of human words, but she has her own sounds (one a purring sound) that tells me she is happy or just want attention. And she is a very happy little parrot until I put her pellets any where near her food...

by decojo 31 May 2014

Your parrot is beautiful. I wish you luck on getting her to eat correctly.

anssmile by anssmile 31 May 2014

Hi, thank you. I followed advice below and started her on mashed carrots. Soon I'll mix in mashed pellets...

anssmile by anssmile 31 May 2014

I did give you a flower, but it disappeared. So I put it back!

by airyfairy 31 May 2014

As you rightly say seed is very bad for a parrot. Have you tried the pet shop at the Leaping Frog shopping center, they specialize in parrots. Too mush fruit is also bad but surely fruit is one of the cheapest things to buy. Personally I would get some advice. Sarah.

anssmile by anssmile 31 May 2014

Even though fruit is cheap, I simply can not afford it...

Thanks for the advise.

lindalee757 by lindalee757 31 May 2014

For the small amount of fruit a bird would eat-how can you not afford that but you can the other? I would think you could go online though and order whatever your parrot will eat.

anssmile by anssmile edited 31 May 2014

A single fruit does not have all the nutitients a parrot need, the pellets contain a balanced diet. And I do not have to buy pellets every few days...

by marianb 31 May 2014

Beautiful bird.. have you tried to hide the pellets your giving it in some mashed up fruit, crush the pellet and add to the fruit gradually increaseing the pellet amount ( you know like you would hide a pill from a kid) maybe you can trick it into liking them again..Marian

anssmile by anssmile 31 May 2014

I made a comment and it disappeared. I gave flowers and they are gone too! Gremlins on the site...

She does not like mashed food. I will try to hand feed her more, and see if she will eventually accept mashed food (with pellets hidden it!) from me.

Thanks for the advice!

anssmile by anssmile 31 May 2014

Hi, I started her on mashed carrots. I hand fed her. She only ate a little, but she accepted it. Soon I'll start mixing in mashed pellets...