Power to you! Piecing with 1.5 inch squares is a lot of work! I don't have that much patience.
Great idea. Look at Kooler's Quilt Block of the month Sampler, Teapot of the Month Sampler, and the Flower of the Month Sampler - the designs per block seem to be small.
Is this what you are looking for?
Hi girl why don't you look on images on google and see what appears. Sounds like you are having fun as usual and as usual 'thinking outside of the box'
Are you thinking of traditional patterns like those used in folk dresses (picture 1), or more colourful things like flowers and so on (pict 2 and 3). I have loads of small flowers in books, some 10 x 10 crosses, that would look nice if done in tiny squares. The pictures are a few elaborate ones I did as an ME design and would be too large for your purpose.
Annie, I'm not quite sure what you are asking for. You might have to draw me a diagram!
Not machine embroidery my friend but replacing X stitch with a 1.00 inch square of fabric for quilting using respective colored fabric on a grid the same way that i do the mini mosaic work.
I have just finished a large heart cushion this way hence my wondering if i could use other X stitch patterns the same way
I have found a nice mini owl X stitch that i will have a go at for her.
How is the moving going.
I see now - Yes that should work. You won't want too many colours in the design so I suggest you Google image search fro traditional cross stitch designs.
You might add "beginner" to your image search to get the simple designs you would need, but I think it's a wonderful idea!