When a friend's grandson was born very early, I made some clothes for him using Cabbage Patch Doll patterns! Maybe the doll pattern panties are smaller? Worth a try. I THINK Cabbage Patch Doll patterns are still in the books.
Oh, don't worry, I still own Cabbage Patch doll patterns! I'll check them out. Thanks!
Well, I don't know what huge is, but I can tell you the purchased newborn looks fairly big as it goes up to babies that weigh 12 lbs or 5kg in order to accommodate a wet diaper.
This may not be what you are looking for and I have not sewn this myself.
I haven't seen a newborn lately~but the one I made looks pretty big. I guess you have to factor in a diaper! I did see this one but didn't use it. I think it looks about as big as the one I used. Maybe I need to find a baby before I decide it's too big! Thanks for your input, I appreciate it.