The last contact I had with Eliza was in 2012...I ordered a CD of designs...bought them with PayPal, so 44 days later, I filed a complaint with PayPal...she was not happy..she told me PayPal was responsible...bull pucky! I did finally get the CD but there were zip files that were corrupt and wouldn't open...she told me they had a problem when the CD's were made and that there were many, many people with the same problem...six months later and a dozen e-mails, I FINALLY got the designs...I had to threaten to post some very negative comments on a public forum to get her off the dime...I wish you well...I will never purchase from them again...
Unfortunately this is not the first time I've had problems with her sites (I say sites because they always seem to be changing) I know she has had her problems in the past but......
Is this the email address you have? I got it from Google.
yes this is 1 of them. Have sent 2 to this addy, the last 1 I have requested a receipt but still nothing, got this addy from her facebook page which looks like this will be the next avenue
Sorry Irene, I've never heard of them. That would be the way I'd try and contact them by using the CONTACT US tab. Don't forget to put in the code at the bottom of the page so they will know it is from a genuine enquirer and not a " bot" . Love Ch
thanks Chris but I do put in the code and that's when it gives me the little message, her yahoo group is announcements only, no posting of messages. I know she's had her share of problems in the past but this has happened before. She's pretty well known so not like she's a fly by night so to speak
p.s hope you're well