by rescuer Moderator 19 Jun 2014

NEED a missed design? VOTE for it.

All daily free designs are voted on by the Cute community.

The votes are reset daily to give each design the chance to be the free design of the day. Please note this is an international site and the time to change designs may be the middle of your night. It is best to check the same time each day.
Even better -- purchase a 6 month membership and download all the designs for 6 whole months at one low price! Best money on embroidery designs I have ever spent.


by rescuer Moderator 14 Jan 2022

If the design(s) is/are not available for will have to wait, go without, buy the design, or buy the 6 month paid membership

by rescuer Moderator 10 Jul 2015

If you need help voting -- ask in the Community under Freebies