by osueo 15 Jul 2014

Here we go AGAIN.

As usual I bet I can get A LOT OF ANSWERS HERE:
Does anyone know of a poem about a child being bored and what to say/answer when they say they are BORED??
I really do NOT like it when a kid says they are bored---but I am old and never allowed my kids to say it---if they did they got put to work around the house/farm.
But these are not my kids so:
does anyone know the poem or saying (I know I have heard/seen a poem or saying somewhere) about a kid being bored?
I would love it so much if anyone has ideas/answers/sayings/poems about answers to boredom.
Thank you and God bless you.


by dailylaundry 16 Jul 2014

Oh what a cute question and the answers are even better! (love the poem, by the way).. I am with Carolyn (Noah). If any of my four kids said they were bored - I gave them a chore to do! It was something I simply didn't like to hear - there was always tons of things to do around our house. Needless to say - rarely did anyone say it twice!! Hugs to you, Laura*

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osueo by osueo 16 Jul 2014

My own NEVER said it---if they did=WORK---they are grown and gone----one has kids---oldest said bored---so I wrote above---so many WONDERFUL ANSWERS!!!! God bless you.

by clintonmiss22 16 Jul 2014

I found this by googling.

I Don't Know What to Do Today
From the book My Hippo Has the Hiccups

I don't know what to do today.
Perhaps I'll go outside and play,
or stay indoors and watch TV,
or take a bath, or climb a tree.

Or maybe I'll go ride my bike,
or pick my nose, or take a hike,
or jump a rope, or scratch my head,
or play a game, or stay in bed,
or dance a jig, or pet the cat,
or drink some milk, or buy a hat,
or sing a song, or read a book,
or change my socks, or learn to cook,
or dig a hole, or eat a pear,
or call my friends, or brush my hair,
or hold my breath, or have a race,
or stand around and slap my face.

I'm so confused, and bored, and blue,
to not know what I ought to do.
I guess that I should just ask you.
So, what do you think I should do?

--Kenn Nesbitt

osueo by osueo 16 Jul 2014

God Bless you.....

osueo by osueo 09 Sep 2014

I bought this book.
Thank you and God Bless you.

by queenofhearts 16 Jul 2014

You don't say how old your grandkids are and this may be a little harsh for the young ones but it still good advice.

sewilso by sewilso 16 Jul 2014

Oh, this is great! It may never be too early to learn, that way when they're teens they'll know better. Trouble is, fun is what they are looking for. lol! I remember so well, from times past. It's a different world today however, things are so much more crucial.

osueo by osueo 16 Jul 2014

This is AWESOME!!!!! Thank you sooo much and God bless you!!!!!

by AuntAnnie 16 Jul 2014

Shel Silverstein entertained my sisters and me for hours when we were young. We particularly loved his poem "Nothing to Do." Here's the link:

1 comment
osueo by osueo 16 Jul 2014

Just wonderful
Thank you so much and God bless you.

by asterixsew Moderator 16 Jul 2014

Sorry I can t help, I was brought up with the saying that only boring people get bored.

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osueo by osueo 16 Jul 2014

Oh I LOVE THAT!!!! Thank you and God bless you!!!!!!!!!

by lbrow 16 Jul 2014

Well after raising 4 girls, and then along came the grand kids, I like a list of things to do and the reward system, lots of times the reward consisted of a multi-pieced puzzle or a good book for their age. these things seem to intrigue them. Anyway now there are 2 Librarians in the family a daughter and a Grand daughter./Lillian

1 comment
osueo by osueo 16 Jul 2014

Great---as a retired teacher I give the visiting grandchild homework!!!! It always includes a treat they work for and just simple things like writing down your favorite part of the day----do not know how much longer I will do it----tension and stress when I visit them---so just need prayers for HEALING-----visiting child complained about boredom so I shared here and I LOVE the answers and solutions---Thank you and God bless You!!

by noah 15 Jul 2014

Lol i laughed when i read this because my boys were never allowed to say that****** .
Why ????cause i always had a list of things on my refrigerator that needed done and some were great jobs for boys like burning the grass,wash the car .
Anyways*** the older they got the less my list got cause often times they would go look and do some of those things just to please me .
One day i came home and they were waiting for me to show me the list was empty lol
Now both men are clean freaks who can clean and cook as good as their wives .(sorry if i sound like i am bragging)
Oh for the good old days.Also if they were broke or saving for something we would come up with a price to do things that were very hard .Hugs and thanks for my trip back down memory lane Carolyn

justonlyme by justonlyme 15 Jul 2014

Now that I think about it, we had a "tickets" system when my kids were growing up. When they went "above and beyond", they were awarded with a ticket. If they slipped up and misbehaved, one was taken away. Same with bed time; if they stayed in bed, they got a ticket, and if they got up after being tucked in, one went away. At the end of the week, we had a box of prizes that they could "buy" with their tickets. It is funny how parents cope. Both of my kids jump to it when something needs to be done now, even though the tickets are long gone. Mine were too creative and busy to be bored.

osueo by osueo 15 Jul 2014

Both great ideas----ticket system sounds great----the grandchild is here for 2 weeks---trying to keep him busy---I forget so quickly that they are in a TOTALLY different world than when my children grew up in-----my children had about 900 acres of woods that they could SAFELY play in----that no longer exists----have to be soooo careful---so the freedom my children had in our home/farm--which gave them no reason or time for boredom---these children do not have!!! Thank you and God bless you....!!!!

by justonlyme 15 Jul 2014

Nothing comes to mind at the moment, but I can give a suggestion here. Go to the library and get a book by Shel Silverstein. He recently passed away, but his works are legendary! I bought each of my kids one of his books one summer, and they were hooked. I couldn't get them out of their rooms because they wanted to read. An example of a short bit of "prose" by Mr. Silverstein:
"I gave you a chance to water the plants; I didn't mean that way, now zip up your pants". His works are very subtle, but funny and just grab kids' attention. He also wrote the words to the song "A Boy Named Sue", sung by Johnny Cash.

noah by noah 15 Jul 2014

oh i loved that song away back then***hugs

osueo by osueo 15 Jul 2014

I have read some of his stuff---I will research at the llibrary which is one of the places we plan to visit----we have many books at home to read---but will take that trip and look for books by Silverstein. Thanks and God bless you!!!!!