I block them and send them all to the spam filter but everyday they come through under a different name. This is one persistent pest.
I have received emails from KATIE Hudgenns, I immediately deleted without opening, so am assuming this is another Spam?
Aaahhh, thanks for the heads up . I have been getting these emails and couldn't work out why. I have tried to unsubscribe, looks like I am in for a pounding in emails from her. I have marked them as spam so hopefully this will help. Thanks again.
Attempting to "Unscribe" link on this type of e-mail only confirms that your e-mail addy is a good one. Spammers can then sell your address to others.
yes I am also sick of these imposter emails, I just delete them all when they come in....
I got ones from the cute group .I use incredimail ,so I could bounce it back & block it.Haven't had anymore
I keep getting them . The name changes all the time. I don't belong to any Google Groups so the unsubscribe link on the bottom doesn't work either. I think it may be that person who kept subscribing to Cute under different names.
I received two of the same thing, but the group was for Cute Embroidery, so I sent Ms V a private message.
I keep marking her messages as Spam, and to unsubscribe, but to know effect! I keep getting them, and that is enough to tell me, to keep putting them in the Spam folder! Do not download anything from those emails!!
I do not put them in any folders. Just click Shift and Delete at the same time then click Y in the box to delete altogether.
If you mark them as "unsubscribe" and they are indeed spam, that just verifies that they have a valid email address and it will actually increase the number of spam messages you receive. I've learned this the hard way. Also, lots of spammers sell their list, so the best thing to do is to ignore them or mark them as junk and delete.
I wondered where those came from....I also deleted all emails. I never subscribed to any googles group either.
We have notified her and the group is NOT hers. It belongs to someone that is very unscrupulous! Do not join but do mark the emails as SPAM so that the right people get involved.