by bobbies41 31 Jul 2014

Okay, are you ready for another aaaaaahhh moment.....

Here are photos of the next 6 kittens I am fostering. My favorite is the little black one with the white paws and long white whiskers in the close-up picture....he is soooooo very soft and barely weighs anything. The photos were taken last weekend when I brought them in and was ready to give them their first ear cleaning and sponge bath, actually they really liked it.


by hightechgrammy 08 Feb 2015

Wow, Kitties, what big ears you have!!! They are adorable. Could I please adopt the calico???

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 08 Feb 2015

Unfortunately my husband just said NO Way :-(

bobbies41 by bobbies41 09 Feb 2015

Looks like your hubby doesn't know how very sweet a little kitty can be........I have lots more when he changes his mind. lol

by airyfairy 08 Feb 2015

You are an absolute treasure

1 comment
bobbies41 by bobbies41 09 Feb 2015

Thank you.

by sdrise 07 Feb 2015

So adorable!! Glad they have a forever home already. What cuties.. Congrats.... Suzanne

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bobbies41 by bobbies41 09 Feb 2015

I'm glad they all went to excellent homes........We check all the references on our adoption applications to make sure applicants have had kitties before, and they took good care of them with annual vacs, etc.

by bobbies41 07 Feb 2015

UPDATE....All of these kitties in this email have been adopted to their forever homes.

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zoefzoef by zoefzoef 07 Feb 2015


by cfidl 02 Aug 2014

Oh they are all very sweet. Good health to all!

1 comment
bobbies41 by bobbies41 03 Aug 2014

Thank you.

by sdrise 02 Aug 2014

Isn't it funny how you always have one favorite though you love them all! They are all adorable!!. My babies that were born on Easter were just fixed Monday and got all their shots. They are ready to go our for adoption. I have I have 12 babies and 12 adults ready for homes. It is a lot of work but they give so much love back. Great Job Bobbi!

1 comment
bobbies41 by bobbies41 03 Aug 2014

Thank you and best of luck with all your babies .

by basketkase 01 Aug 2014

I agree with Jan, it is so hard to give them up, but when you know they are going to a good home, it helps the are doing such wonderful, rewarding work........bless you for your kindness! I am partial to tuxedo cats, too and don't think I could part with this one!!

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bobbies41 by bobbies41 02 Aug 2014

Yes and he has a personalty to match....I just love him.

by hightechgrammy 01 Aug 2014

I would LOVE your job - all except giving them up to their new homes! It is tons of work, though! Thank you for doing this very important job!

hightechgrammy by hightechgrammy 01 Aug 2014

A friend of mine found an abandoned littler of 6 kittens, and watched it for a whole day, no momma came back. They rescued the kittens and couldn't stand to give them away so they kept them. Now after 16 years there are just 4 left. But, they kept those 6 kittens all their lives.

basketkase by basketkase 01 Aug 2014

Love this story, Jan!!

bobbies41 by bobbies41 02 Aug 2014

I love her story too.....If everyone would save just one kitten or puppy, have it vetted and either keep it or find it a new home maybe through a rescue organization, just look at the precious lives we could all save.

by zoefzoef 01 Aug 2014

They all look too cute ! I bet you spend a lot of time with them, taking care . Thank you

zoefzoef by zoefzoef 01 Aug 2014

Do you give them a name ?

bobbies41 by bobbies41 01 Aug 2014

I try not to name them because I can become attached and I must adopt them out to loving forever homes....they are all so sweet and loving.
However Picture #1 is Sweetie, Picture #2 is Fluffy, picture #3 is Callie, #4 is Fluffy again,
#5 group picture, there are 6 kitties in all, Picture #6 is Cleopatra on the left and Tux on the right....

by jeanfoz 01 Aug 2014

Aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwww, xx

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bobbies41 by bobbies41 01 Aug 2014

Ain't it the truth !!! lol

by shozo1271 01 Aug 2014

awwwww... beyond cute!!!!!

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bobbies41 by bobbies41 01 Aug 2014

Yes they are.

by decojo 01 Aug 2014

they are all so precious!

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bobbies41 by bobbies41 01 Aug 2014

Yes I agree.

by 02kar Moderator 01 Aug 2014

So cute! How can any of us resist these beauties.

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bobbies41 by bobbies41 01 Aug 2014

I agree.

by hoplessnz 01 Aug 2014

i want them all

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bobbies41 by bobbies41 01 Aug 2014

I'm hoping for that reaction from good "cat people" when they are ready for adoption.

by icana 01 Aug 2014

the little black one looks just like my cat, Lucky.

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bobbies41 by bobbies41 01 Aug 2014

Yes he is so sweet and I also have a kitty named Lucky.

by marianb 01 Aug 2014

They are so cute the one in photo 2 reminds me of the egyptian cats, smaller face and large ears

1 comment
bobbies41 by bobbies41 01 Aug 2014

Yes I am hoping she will grow into those ears.

by airyfairy 01 Aug 2014

They are absolutely beautiful. Thank you for looking after these babies.

1 comment
bobbies41 by bobbies41 01 Aug 2014

It is a joy to look after these babies.

by graceandham 31 Jul 2014

Still blue-eyed babies. So precious - love the little black spot on the black and white one. I think Miss/Mr. Tan is going to be a big kitty, judging by his ears.

killiecrankie by killiecrankie 01 Aug 2014

It hasn't had time to grow into its ears yet or maybe it has inherited the big ear gene from mum or dad.Isn't there a breed of which has big ears & very short fur ?

gerryb by gerryb 01 Aug 2014

That was the one that gave me the biggest grin too!

bobbies41 by bobbies41 01 Aug 2014

Yes the little Calico has very large ears....I call her Callie.

And yes there is a breed that has large ears and short fur, also I believe there is a hairless breed that also has the large ears....believe it originated in a desert country.