I also bought this design.. Yours is beautiful with the blues! guess I'll have to pull my finger out and sew mine.. not sure of colours yet..
It really does look like a stained glass window-beautiful. Maybe pretty under a clear glass plate??
At my house, it would not go near any kitchen grease unless under glass. I would frame it and have it in the foyer for everyone to see!
Wow you deserve kudos just for the undertaking of this massive project. Looks like a window from the Sistine Chapel. A beautiful piece of work
Can you tell us what fabric and stabilizer you used? I purchased a detailed design from Advanced Emb. and can't find the right combination of background to sew it on.
Ginny in Ft. Myers
I used a medium cut awy stabiliser and embroidered on black cotton. I backed each individual piece with black felt (in the hoop) before sewing it together
Beautiful! Looks like stained glass. It could be a table topper. It would be great framed for a wall hanging.
Awesome! I'm sure you will figure out a special place to use this beautiful creation! (If not,.... I am sure there would be many cuties willing to take care of the difficult decision for you! ;) It is a treasure for sure!
Definitely a labour of love. Its stunning but I am laughing that you don't know what to do with it
You must have a fantastic machine to do all that without a problem. It is stunning! How did you keep the threads in order? I'd probably get them all mixed up!
Wow, love it! It would look great on a table or as a wallhanging.
Hugs, Lidia
put it on your kitchen table if the colors match or a Christmas gift??It is very lovely:):)hugs
I agree with Chris. I would love to see the light shining through it or at least behind it. How big is it?
Outstanding - I'd have it hung up in front of a window so that it looks like a stained glass window. Love BFC designs, love Chris
This is beautiful, looks like a church windows.
You could use it on a wallhanging.
Just stunning!! I have a round breakfast table that this would look awesome on!!