by sissibrode 15 Aug 2014

August 15 - FOR MY NEW GRAND-CHILD (only 6 days to wait)

my son and daughter wanted me to do a carpet park. I adapted the colors to that of the chamber of unborn baby

I finished it this afternoon ...

Now she can give birth !!! ♥


by jrob Moderator 17 Aug 2014

Yes, we do call them security blankets or my 2 year old granddaughter calls hers, her lovey. We will be waiting to hear of the big arrival!

by gerryvb 17 Aug 2014

they must be very happy with it!!

by lidiad 17 Aug 2014

That's a great gift! Well done.
Hugs, Lidia

by sewilso 16 Aug 2014

Very cute!!! My gifts always arrive months later. lol! Nice quilt!

by zoefzoef 16 Aug 2014

Lovely, I'm sure the baby will enjoy it very much !!

by sissibrode 16 Aug 2014

I did that this afternoon : in France we say "un doudou", i think it is a security blanket in english :)

The head is a snowball I bought at Charming station site

dadybrode by dadybrode 16 Aug 2014

Super travail Sissi, trop mimi j'adore les couleurs, pour un bébé c'est très gai.

grossfamilie by grossfamilie 16 Aug 2014

Supercute again! This baby has an adorable grandmother!

gerryvb by gerryvb 17 Aug 2014

great job !!

by ctirish 16 Aug 2014

It is wonderful, so comfy and protective. Congratulations !

by devon 16 Aug 2014

Great job we are waiting now!!!!

by marianb 16 Aug 2014

Great colours nice and bright it will be so soft for bub to lay on.. now the waiting

by sewmom 16 Aug 2014

Great timing!

by lbrow 15 Aug 2014

What a wonderful job you have done and what a wonderful Grandmother you will be to this little one

by cfidl 15 Aug 2014

Oh it is so special! Congratulations!

by ajmmjs 15 Aug 2014

very nice! is a carpet park like a play mat? it looks alike.thanks for sharing.

by 02kar Moderator 15 Aug 2014

Well done. So bright and cheerful.

by grossfamilie 15 Aug 2014

Oh Sissi, you are an artist. Everything suits so well. Your new grandchild is coming to a very good grandmother and family. Perfect choice!
Hugs Maria

by gramsbear 15 Aug 2014

Great job!!! Easy to carry, and can be used anywhere!!! Love the colors!!! Hugs, Judy

by sewemb 15 Aug 2014

This looks wonderful and I'm sure it's only one of many things you'll be making for your grandbaby

by sissibrode 15 Aug 2014

gerryvb, i used the mylar that you sent me long long time ago !!!! so, THANK YOU again, it was funny for babies !!!

1 comment
gerryvb by gerryvb edited 17 Aug 2014

glad you could use it, for this special occasion, I took a closer look to see it.with hugs, Gerry