by debswebster 18 Aug 2014

Hello Cuties, I need help. I decided to unzip many months worth of files today (should have been doing housework but what the heck), and I discovered my zip programme Alzip does not open RAR files any more?? Any suggestions on which programme should I use. Thanx.


by jofrog2000 20 Aug 2014

Hi. Vista does unzip files just like xp did, so you have that option for your zip files.
Now, 7zip. Extract files/okay--gives you a folder of the contents in the original folder along with the rar (or zip).
Extract here--gives you all the files contained-NOT in a folder, but loose.
Extract to (spells out the name of the folder you are in) also gives you a folder.
If you want to do a batch extract, choose them all, and EXTRACT files will give you one folder with all the files from the rars/zips.
Choose them all, and EXTRACT HERE will give you all designs loose.
Since extracting anything COPIES those files, all the original rar/zip files are intact, and you can either save them or delete them.
I think that's it.

1 comment
debswebster by debswebster 20 Aug 2014

Thanks Jo, for your time and explanation. Funny how we just use the bare minimum of what a programme can do. I have been unzipping for years but have never experimented to the fullest extent. Live and learn!!!

by marianb 20 Aug 2014


by debswebster 19 Aug 2014

Thanks for all the advise Cuties. I have used 7Zip today and all was fine. I have Vista on my Computer, so I don't think I have a built-in "unzipper" like the later WIndows programmes - I may be wrong though. I opened each RAR separately and pulled out my preferred format, but I was very interested to read about the "Extract" application (from "jfrog"). I have been terrified of using that app in case I didn't know where the files went! Does it extract ALL the formats from ALL the RAR files in one go in the Folder??? Or does one have to open each RAR file individually like I did, then Extract?? I think I will give this a test drive on RAR's I have extracted from already and see what happens. Thanks again.

1 comment
rescuer by rescuer 19 Aug 2014

You can use Vista to unzip regular zip files.

by lindav 19 Aug 2014

Embird will open them and you can use it and then save it as whatever format you like in their listings.

Linda V

by rescuer Moderator 19 Aug 2014

For regular zip files I use the one included with Windows. There is no need to install anything for regular zipped files. Just right click and Windows offers an option unzip them.
For rar files I have another program that I use. I have intentionally restricted it with my antivirus program. I have to give it permission to do each step. I do not want the computer problems that come with most of these programs.
To hoplessnz
The popups are most likely due to malware installed with winrar.
I do recommend you take your computer to a qualified technician for help. Back up your files -- but realize they could be infected as well. Let them know about your special needs with embroidery software etc. so they do not remove programs you want and need. Many of the "free" programs are paid for by other software companies -- some of them nefarious. Every computer I have worked on that had winrar was infested with malware and had at least one virus that came with winrar.
Please be careful regardless of the program that you choose. Get it from a "trusted" source and make sure you read every thing as you install it. Do not take the defaults. You will get a lot more than you bargained for if you do.

by marianb 19 Aug 2014

Thanks for asking the question I'm also having a bit of trouble..

by asterixsew Moderator 18 Aug 2014

Sounds much more fun sorting out the embroidery files than doing housework

1 comment
debswebster by debswebster 19 Aug 2014

Agreed fully!!

by hoplessnz 18 Aug 2014

I am having the same problem with winrar . i am running windows 7 would I have to delete this program to install 7 zip ? this so frustrating as every time I turn the computer on the service provider has changed something . Now I am getting bombarded with popups grrrrrrrrrrrrr

jofrog2000 by jofrog2000 18 Aug 2014

Not at all. I've used 7zip on xp, vista, and now 7. Works the same way. You right click on the file. In the menu that shows up, choose 7zip. I use extract files. It will then give you a folder with the designs in it. Extract here will give you all the files contained. Rar is just another way of compressing files.

jofrog2000 by jofrog2000 18 Aug 2014

This will give you some more info .

by AuntAnnie 18 Aug 2014

I use the free download "Extract Frog." After the program is downloaded, all one has to do is double click on the RAR folder. A new extracted file is created of the same name.

by justonlyme 18 Aug 2014

I use 7-zip. It is the only one I've found that can handle both .zip and .rar files. Good luck!

1 comment
debswebster by debswebster 18 Aug 2014

Thank you - I have downloaded it, I believe I have to turn the computer off before it will run, so tomorrow is another day and hopefully all will be well.

by poletticel 18 Aug 2014

Here a free software, I use it with Windows 8, very simple. Celine

1 comment
suziequee by suziequee 18 Aug 2014

go to and you'll find one that does. 7 sip is one. Trust this site. Been using it for years.

by debswebster 18 Aug 2014

Thanks Sue, I did Google "7 zip" before I posted, but wasn't sure which version to d/l. I will check again.

by spendlove Moderator 18 Aug 2014

I use 7 Zip which is free,

1 comment
crafter2243 by crafter2243 18 Aug 2014

I use that too and it works perfect