Just fantastic, you have captured the sprit of PL perfectly
Wow! You are a doll wizard - so amazing and perfect in all details! And that without pattern. Pippi Langstrumpf would surely love it, " denn sie macht die Welt, wie sie ihr gefällt". She makes the world how she loves it.
Thank you for sharing. Maria
Ich hab es geliebt Pippi Langstrumpf im Fehrnsehen zu sehen (vielicht 40 Jahre her) und war erstaunt, dass die Kinder heute noch Pippi Langstrumpf kennen und lieben.
You are doing great work with these. The monkey must be small, so I can see why it was challenging for you.
Great, looks really like Pipi Langstrumpf and the monkey is perfect too.
WOW!!! LOVE these! You are very talented, they are perfect!!! ***FLOWERS***