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by Shyamala ( edited 25 Aug 2014 ) 25 Aug 2014

Hello cuties, this is indian spinach from my garden and prepared for lunch.It is highly nutritous and easy to grow. Has high levels of Vitamin A, B, and C, calcium, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous, zinc and decent amounts of copper and iron.


by lbrow 26 Aug 2014

Is there any spinach left in there after all those minerals. LOL I like raw spinach in salad but do not seem to have acquired the taste for cooked spinach /Lillian--AKA lbrow

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Shyamala by Shyamala 26 Aug 2014

I dont take raw spinach.....cooked spinach is very delicious. Try cooking, there are plenty of recipes you can get from the websites.

by cfidl 25 Aug 2014

I think I will grow spinach next year. This looks lighter in color than regular spinach which I hope is reflected in it's flavor. The meal looks absolutely delicious. I have 1 sweet bell pepper in my garden now. I still have a bit of grow season to go, or it could be the most expensive pepper I have ever bought! Lol!

1 comment
Shyamala by Shyamala 25 Aug 2014

Yes, you should try.I see you like gardening too....I have planted pepper many times but it doesnt grow well. I have given up and now I have planted okra and some herbal plants which are easier to manage.

by caroldann 25 Aug 2014

It looks wonderful. To bad I don't live in a warm tropical climate as I would love to grow it. From what I read it appears it has more nutrition then our regular spinach we go here in Arkansas. Thank you for sharing.

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Shyamala by Shyamala 25 Aug 2014

Yes...we malaysians especially the chinese include this vege in their diet everyday.

by noah 25 Aug 2014

oh so nice i can smell it from Canada lol hugs

1 comment
Shyamala by Shyamala 25 Aug 2014

Come to Malaysia....I will cook for you.

by pldc 25 Aug 2014

I have never heard of this thank you for sharing. It looks so good!~hugs~

noah by noah 25 Aug 2014

me either i would love it for sure .We will half to google it lol hugs

Shyamala by Shyamala 25 Aug 2014

It's delicious served with rice and fried fish. I use to eat this everyday when I had hot flushes during menopausal, it has a cooling effect.

by jrob Moderator 25 Aug 2014

mmmm Looks delicious.

1 comment
Shyamala by Shyamala 25 Aug 2014


by toogie 25 Aug 2014

Your spinach plant looks so pretty and healthy.I haven't tried it like this but I do like spinach.

1 comment
Shyamala by Shyamala 25 Aug 2014

It is very easy to grow, you just have to water them and put fertiliser once a fortnight.