Very nice. You have another beautiful scene & special wall hanging. Great work.
I just love these wall hangings you are doing - each one a little masterpiece!
Lidia this is absolute looks amazing .Like the combinations of your designs very nice work loved it
So lovely. What fabric is it embroidered on? looks fluffy like batting on my computer.
Love the frame you made wish it was available,
Thank you, babash. The fabric is felt and the frame measures 282x199mm (11.1x7.85"). Do you have a large hoop to accommodate this frame?
Hugs, Lidia
Another pretty wall the design and the colours. Hugs, Shyamala.
Świetny pomysł to jest cudowne. :)))
Ciekawa jestem jak to zrobione?
Gratuluje pomysłu!
Thank you, Ewa. I made this wall hanging with my embroidery machine. Hugs, Lidia Dziękujemy, Ewa. Zrobiłem to z mojej ściany wiszący hafciarka.