by lbrow 15 Sep 2014

Crocheted hat and knitted . scarf for 3 yr. old Abby. she'll get this for Christmas. She saw the yarn and told me it looked like a rainbow .


by katydid 16 Sep 2014

Great gift!

1 comment
lbrow by lbrow 17 Sep 2014

Thanks Kay, Hope you are feeling better/Lillian

by rescuer Moderator 16 Sep 2014

This is one of the best gifts for a little girl that I have seen in a while! You must be very special to her. I think it is wonderful that you will give her all the colors of the rainbow to withstand the storms of winter.

1 comment
lbrow by lbrow 17 Sep 2014

This little one love her Pa Pa the best, she comes in the back door saying "Where's Pa Pa" She senses and knows he is not well. Of course she has his heart also. thank you much/Lillian

by jrob Moderator 16 Sep 2014

I still have some things knitted for me by my grandmother and take them out now and again and see those sweet hands moving and making magic. (At least it was to me)

rescuer by rescuer 16 Sep 2014

I too have a box of things magically created by my grandmother. These are wonderful treasures!

lbrow by lbrow 17 Sep 2014

Currently working on a purse that fold down and makes a bassinet for a small doll. do any of you remember those? Each of my girls had one to play with in church./Lillian

by sewilso 16 Sep 2014

Very pretty hat and scarf! Nice work!!!

1 comment
lbrow by lbrow 17 Sep 2014

Thank you/Lillian

by airyfairy 16 Sep 2014

What a beautiful set - love the scarf.

1 comment
lbrow by lbrow 16 Sep 2014

Thanks Sarah/Lillian

by noah 15 Sep 2014

love your set hugs

1 comment
lbrow by lbrow 15 Sep 2014

Thanks Carolyn/Lillian

by highlandermom 15 Sep 2014

Very pretty rainbow set

1 comment
lbrow by lbrow 15 Sep 2014

Thank you/Lillian

by Leaha 15 Sep 2014

Only God and grammies can make rainbows for little ones, this is beautiful and she is correct it does look like a rainbow. :-)

lbrow by lbrow 15 Sep 2014

She loves anything colorful and pink is her very favorite. She's going to be moving out of the nursery to her rm up stairs whee her bro. has a rm. Her mom painted her rm a couple of weeks ago and when I saw it I immediately thought Pepto Bismol. LOL Of course I would never say anything and all her white furniture did look good. Abby picked out the color herself at Loews./Lillian

Leaha by Leaha 15 Sep 2014

Better pink than shades of grey-black, which is what color one of the rooms in our house was. It was so dreary, ugly and just depressing. I think I'd take the Pepto Bismol for awhile.

by dragonflyer 15 Sep 2014

I am sure she will love is like a rainbow!

1 comment
lbrow by lbrow 15 Sep 2014

She will. thanks/Lillian

by decojo 15 Sep 2014

Beautiful rainbow hat and scarf set - great job!

1 comment
lbrow by lbrow 15 Sep 2014


by pldc 15 Sep 2014

terrific & lovely colours for a dreary winter!~hugs~

1 comment
lbrow by lbrow 15 Sep 2014

Thank you/Lillian