by babolucia ( edited 24 Sep 2014 ) 24 Sep 2014

Sleep Sack for Lily Constructed Entirely on the Serger (except for embroidery and top-stitching)

I am still trying to figure out how to replace the heart applique. I used two very dark fabrics for the bears, which was a big mistake. The blue looks awful too. Now they look like tigers or monsters. Also the colors don't harmonize with the whole sack at all. Now I guess I've learned an important lesson--choose the applique fabric carefully. I must confess I was just trying to use some scrap fabric I had at hand.

If I add another bigger applique on top of it, it's going to be too bulky. I thought about doing reverse applique, but I am afraid it's not going to be strong enough as that's the area where Lily is probably going to kick a lot at.

The old sack finally retired after 20 months. Lily wore it every day. Now it looks terrible and feels really stiff. It's been like that for a while, and I had been too lazy too make a new one. Finally, here it is!

They are both my own patterns. For the first one, I made it too short, so I decided to lengthen it and added the pink to make it interesting. This time, I didn't have to lengthen it, but I like how it looks. So I borrowed that idea, but this time, it's pink knit instead of fleece.

The last picture is the first sleep sack. The same fabric. Lily was 6 months and couldn't sit up yet.


by sewilso 27 Sep 2014

Very pretty children, their sleepsacks look so warm and cute!

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 28 Sep 2014

Thank you!

by arlene 25 Sep 2014

Absolutely gorgeous.

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 28 Sep 2014

Thank you!

by shirley124 25 Sep 2014

I love your sleep sacks. Hugs

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 28 Sep 2014

Thank you!

by sewdeb 25 Sep 2014

Gorgeous girls and the sacks look great! Well done!

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 28 Sep 2014

Thank you!

by sonjapotgieter 25 Sep 2014

Awesome...Well done

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 28 Sep 2014

Thank you!

by elemausi 25 Sep 2014

Cute, the models and the sleep sacks too.

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 28 Sep 2014

Thank you!

by sdrise 25 Sep 2014

Looks so cozy and warm ! Nice Job!

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 28 Sep 2014

Thank you!

by maggiecal 25 Sep 2014

It looks so comfy and beautiful!

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 28 Sep 2014

Thank you!

by susiesembroidery 25 Sep 2014

It looks lovely!

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 28 Sep 2014

Thank you!

by loosie 25 Sep 2014

I love it!

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 28 Sep 2014

Thank you!

by lulu07 25 Sep 2014

Well done!.....I wouldn't change it, it looks good.

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 28 Sep 2014

Thank you!

by dragonflyer 25 Sep 2014

Beautiful job...I would not mess with the applique...It looks just fine the way it is...

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 28 Sep 2014

Thank you!

by asterixsew Moderator 25 Sep 2014

Oh this work I delightful. Love the patterns you have appliqued on both the sleep bags.

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 28 Sep 2014

Thank you!

by pennifold 25 Sep 2014

Both your girls are beautiful and so much alike. I love the sleep bag and you are too hard on yourself. Delphi sleeps in one too, she loves it. Love Chris

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 28 Sep 2014

Thank you! I'll leave it as it is.

by airyfairy 25 Sep 2014

You have done a brilliant job. I think perhaps you should leave it as it is. My twin GC slept in their sacks until they were over three!!!

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 28 Sep 2014

Thank you! I guess I will.

by gerryb 24 Sep 2014

What a beautiful child!! And I love the sleep sac too!

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 28 Sep 2014

Thank you!

by lbrow 24 Sep 2014

She is such a perfect little doll. You have donwe so well with the sleep sack/Lillian

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 28 Sep 2014

Thank you!

by noah 24 Sep 2014

lovely work and idea and great picture hugs

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 28 Sep 2014

Thank you!

by katydid 24 Sep 2014

Lily is going to outgrow that sack before you need to make another. She can't run in a sack!! Kay

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 24 Sep 2014

I made it larger so it will last longer. Say, another 20 months? :D

by decojo 24 Sep 2014

Lily looks adorable in her lovely sleep sack! Fantastic job!

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 24 Sep 2014

Thank you so much!

by sewdoctor 24 Sep 2014

I agree with jrob, it looks great...nothing wrong with your applique, the colors are fine. Lily is a cutie pie!

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 24 Sep 2014

Thank you! I guess I'll just leave the applique as is. Lily certainly doesn't mind it. She loves the moon applique and asked for books with moon in them to be read to her.

by highlandermom 24 Sep 2014

Beautiful work and Lily is adorable.

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 24 Sep 2014

Thank you!

by pldc 24 Sep 2014

you have beautiful little girls & your sleep bag is very well done. ~hugs~

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 24 Sep 2014

Thank you!

by jrob Moderator 24 Sep 2014

You're too harsh on yourself. It's adorable and I love the cuddling bears. You did a great job and it will be around long enough for her to go into pajamas.

1 comment
babolucia by babolucia 24 Sep 2014

Thank you for your kind words. I do wish I had used different fabrics. We try to keep her in the sack as long as possible so she doesn't crawl out of her crib.