by manami 04 Oct 2014

FSL Sports Gift Card! I'm still working on these, and there will be more balls. Thanks for looking, they are available on my website. Hugs, Yoriko


by loosie 04 Oct 2014

Great idea!

1 comment
manami by manami 05 Oct 2014

Thank you!

by toogie 04 Oct 2014

My g-daughter just made the high school basketball team! I like the cards inserted this way and you have done an excellent job!-She's still playing softball and won 2 games today, playing their 3rd game now.

1 comment
manami by manami 04 Oct 2014

I admire people who plays any kind of sports. You should be proud of your GD. Thank you Toogie!

by sonjapotgieter 04 Oct 2014


1 comment
manami by manami 04 Oct 2014

Thank you Sonja!

by 02kar Moderator 04 Oct 2014

What fun! Thanks

1 comment
manami by manami 04 Oct 2014

Thank you Karen!

by pennifold 04 Oct 2014

You are an angel for all the things you make when someone suggests an idea, thank you. Love Chris

1 comment
manami by manami 04 Oct 2014

Thank you Chris, it's wonderful when people come with a good idea. Love, Yoriko.