I like the idea of grass and leaves. How about pine needles - very easy. I put your picture in 'Paint' and added some simple lines. Not sure it covers all of the holes but the very simple lines would be easy to do by hand. I love to pre-view things this way. If I can't draw it, I certainly can't hand sew it.
Love your little moose!
wow thanks I have decided to try this too a bit different grass but the same idea
I like Chris's answer of leaves and grasses, if you don't want to chance the machine maybe some small ones done by hand would fit the bill.. Marian
Hi Loralye, personally I'm not a fan of the sequins. I just had a look on Google to see what Moose eat and they like the leaves of Water Lillies. They also love to eat catkins and tall grasses living in the water. So, I was wondering maybe you could sew some of these sorts of designs. I was thinking of "michemb" as she combines a lot of designs to make a story. Love Chris
I slept on it & this very morning I decided grass was the ticket! great minds lol I will give it a go hopefully after my class this afternoon. ~hugs~
I really was trying to avoid making this just a winter jacket if I add snowflakes then that is just what it will become. I did try star buttons but they did not suit @ all. Does anyone have any other thoughts? ANy help is much appreaciated
If you have the deco stitches, use green to make it like a forest creature. You might even be able to use your stipple stitch to create an area around the moose and over the holes hand emb or use a zig-zag stitch and try to achieve leaves. Does this make any sense?
I agree snowflakes would be perfect. You might get away with using sequins scattered if the were the pearl white type.
I go along with you Karen. I think it would look better with white sequins. The pink does not look right.
i love it but only put him there if anything many-be wee snowflakes??hugs
Love your design! I think snowflakes would really pull it all together instead of sequins. Maybe, if you can't find an embroidery design to fit you could use some of the fabric puffy paint to make snowflakes and maybe a bit of snow around your cute little fellow.
snowflakes say winter & I was hoping to avoid that but looks like snowflakes is the way to go............
Do you have white sequins? French knots are easy to do if you don't have any small snowflakes.
Just my humble opinion, they might work but in a different color. I don't think these do anything for the little moose or the jacket. Do you have any decorative sew machine stitches that would work to look like snow flakes or if you hand embroidery you could do that to make your snowflakes or stars? The 3 top ones could even be tiny clouds, and the bottom one the snowflakes.
yes I think I do what a very good idea Leaha thanks I will give that a try. ~hugs~