by cricket17 18 Jun 2008

Hi all of you, I am not getting "it" would someone please explain this site to me. how to find to get flowers and in short how it works...many thanks

Cricket17 free fonts?


by shirlener88 18 Jun 2008

crickett, welcome to the 'CUTE' family - so sorry that you don't get it - we enjoy helping all - if you hasn't received the answer to your question here - please just add an additional comment or answer the question - explain more of what you mean - then we will also come back and see what else you need and answer your question. The flowers have been explained rather well and we love to give and receive them. What else can we do to help you get it? *4U now you have 105!

by jrob Moderator 18 Jun 2008

Not sure what you are asking about how to find answers, but on the left you will see popular topics and you can click on any of them and see the ones that someone has added a TAG to such as "Welcome" there is only 1 answer that was tagged, BUT if you go straight up to the rectangle where you can see "Enter Keywords" you can type in Welcome, then click on search and you will get 40 pages of previous answers that include "welcome". If that is not what you meant, please tell us and we will try to explain better. Oh, yes, by the way, WELCOME!;)

by lbrow 18 Jun 2008

Have u been enlightened now cricket. if not please tell us. don't want u to b confused *4U

by auntbaba 18 Jun 2008

Welcome to Cute cricket! You'll love it here.

by clawton 18 Jun 2008

Click on the question. You will see all of the answers people gave. You can then also add a comment to each one if you want. You can give others flowers by clicking on the green flower to the right of the name. It will turn orange as if coming to life. People will give flowers for a number of reasons- like the answer or question or just to be nice and share the flowers.

by mops Moderator 18 Jun 2008

I thought I'd messed up and forgot to send, but this is double.