I noticed that I always have to include the international dialing code when entering a telephone number, in my case +31 1234567890, 31 being the Dutch country code.
There are a few, I have Truesizer, 7zip and WinRar. You pay for a licence with WinRar, but 7zip is a free programme. I'm sure others will come along soon and help you out. As I've broken my dongle I went searching for somewhere that I could download designs without it and lo and behold I found them. when I bought my Husqvarna Designer 1 that I could only download using my HASP (Hardware Against Software Piracy). So you can imagine my delight in being able to download designs since I broke it. I'm still getting one should be arriving soon as it's a bit longer to download using the aforementioned sites.
I'm sorry for not addressing you by your first name as this is what I always do if I know it, but I don't know your first name - so please accept my apologies for not addressing you correctly - I hope you find what you are looking for.
Chris, do you know you can convert in 5D Organiser without a dongle attached. I was sure about that, but just removed my dongle to check and it works.