You are just one creative woman. I love the pop tart & the other items in your grand daughter's Christmas basket. You also inspired the quilt I just gave to a dear woman at church. She is moving north. Instead of a "prayer blanket" I called it a "blessing blanket". She was all smiles!
Thank you, and keep up the creative work!
Great job and it will go well with all the things you've made for Nora. Love Chris
With all her little food items she will never want to come out of her little kitchen. Adorable! Christmas will be such fun for you this year. Merry Christmas to you and yours!
What a fantastic project! It looks so real. You have a knack for turning food into ME. That takes a lot of creative thinking. It would have taken me a week to figure out what to do, and you did it after breakfast! Good work.
Great job, you have a real art for making food items. Merry Christmas to you and your family. Wishing you all the best in 2015. Hugs Lynn
Looks so real you've made me hungry! This is a fantastic job!
looks great, I made my with a combination of embroidery and free hand!
Yum! Makes me want pop tarts :) Nora's Grill has a fantastic menu! LOL, maybe you should make her a little menu to go along with her basket.
Awesome job, Toogie! Looks good enough to eat!
If she does try to eat this...shame on you grammie for making it look so real! lol