I made my candies and cheese balls today. Going to bake cookies after I rest awhile. We have our family all here Christmas day, so I have my schedule, but pies will be made, vegetable/side dishes and meats when its time. Presents are wrapped and under the tree.Tomorrow bathrooms will be sparkling clean, house is decorated (all its going to get this year-lol) and I do love my Christmas music, as long as its not too sad. Avery likes it too. I had her here today, so it was just the 2 of us, most of the day. I do hope I have the stamina to keep up with it all. That's why I am taking a break now, not overdo, so I will be fit for the long haul-lol. Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and healthy New Year,as well.-Toogie
Thanks for the very special Christmas blessing. For the first time in 16 years we are spending a very quiet Christmas. I hope your Christmas will be filled with joy and laughter and love.
Cleaning the other day took me out. I hope to stitch a bit today and do our family outing tomorrow. The rest will work itself out. Merry Christmas and a special prayer for those who are missing their families and do not have a tree or a present.
almost there, a few gifts to wrap and housecleaning to do but ahead of Schedule which is nice for a change.
Happy holidays to you as well
Thank you....i am almost done working on the ole mans gift otherwise except for cleaning house i am good.