by elemausi 05 Jan 2015

Two things are on my plan of action for 2015:

To reduce my fabric before I buy new one.
To organize my wardrobe new (do you know the little boys which come during the night in your wardrobe to sew your clothes narrower, we call they calories). This means all clothes which are narrow or not up to date have to sort out.
Found a piece, sorted it out, thouhgt of my fabric and decided to try a refreshening. Sorry for the plurry pictures.


by workbecky 10 Jan 2015

This is lovely. What a wonderful (and beautiful) recycle.

by airyfairy 07 Jan 2015

What an amazing job you have done - love the pale pink addition

by kanny 07 Jan 2015

Looks fab with your transformation :)

by joanne8125 07 Jan 2015

Wow, look what you did with this shirt. Looks like a whole new set, great job.

by Shisha 07 Jan 2015

Terrific job! Looks classy and beautiful!

by lbrow 06 Jan 2015

You have done a magnificent job/Lillian

by brendalea 06 Jan 2015

Love what you did with the shirt. Hope you reduce your fabric so you can shop all over again. Thank you for sharing.
Happy Stitching

by modo 06 Jan 2015

Très inspirant.

by SewSassy1 06 Jan 2015

Very encouraging and you did a fab job.

by crazystitcher 06 Jan 2015

What a wonderful way to deal with those gremlins - very well done!

by cfidl 06 Jan 2015

This is so great! I love the idea and the piece.

by marianb 06 Jan 2015

So you have those naughty little gremlins at your house too.. Love what you've done..

by janetedna 06 Jan 2015

This is my plan of action also, across all of my crafts, and I love what you've done here. I empty my wardrobe and put them all back because I Know I should do Something - but What? You've inspired me to go through my wardrobe once again. Jan

by justonlyme 06 Jan 2015

I like your theory of the little gremlins and their mischievous behavior!! I also like your incredibly cute solution to their visits! I'm inspired!! I think I may revamp my whole wardrobe with your fantastic idea! If you have another super fantastic solution for pants/jeans, that would be a huge bonus! My wardrobe just needs a little bit of updating. Thank you for sharing!!

by bemara 06 Jan 2015

gute Idee, könnte ich auch nach den Weihnachts-Leckerein anwenden, schön umgesetzt - a great idea! :-))

by spell 06 Jan 2015

Hallooooo, das sieht ja großartig aus!!!
Die Stickerei macht die "Erweiterung" ja perfekt.
Gefällt mir sehr gut.

by toogie 05 Jan 2015

What a great save! This totally changed the look and now you will have a 'new' wardrobe. Great sewing!

by loosie 05 Jan 2015

Up cycle t-shirt, you did a great job. Great colors too :)

by PIGNADA 05 Jan 2015

Congratulations for this new top. I love your colors, but I am not very friend with calories after Christmas. Thank you for sharing and amitiés from France.

by katydid 05 Jan 2015

Love what you did. Come over to my house!

by snowbird42 05 Jan 2015

those calorie family sure have a lot of reletavies i and they have been at my house your top...soozie

by grossfamilie 05 Jan 2015

Thanks for sharing - great renewal for elder tops even if the calory boys did not do their heavy work :-)
But also good to know whom to blame in future; before I thought it was the weak myself which could not fight the chocolate and cake attacks
Thanks again - Maria

by joyces 05 Jan 2015

Love this idea. I have several tops that the calories attacked. Now I can save them .Thanks for sharing this idea with us.

by sdrise 05 Jan 2015

Wow nice job of updating the piece... Suzanne

by vickiannette 05 Jan 2015

nice idea. That naughty calorie-boy has been very busy in my wardrobe!

by pldc 05 Jan 2015

wow this is lovely! Well done I really like it & would like a tutorial too please!~hugs~

by dragonflyer 05 Jan 2015

Awesome job...but, I though I was the only one who had those munchkins who tailor the clothes in my closet to fit them!

by jrob Moderator 05 Jan 2015

Spectacular job! Don't let those calories get the best of you. You have discovered how to fool them!

by gdsteliga 05 Jan 2015

Is that what happened????? I thought it was the "shopping Fairy" silly me. LOL.

Love what you did.

by sonjapotgieter 05 Jan 2015

Great idea!!!Think they Visiting All over the country!!!

by zoefzoef 05 Jan 2015

what a great idea ! .. Those fellows dropped by and "rearranged" my pants... do you have no great idea for that ?

by pennifold 05 Jan 2015

Great upgrade on an old top, it looks fabulous. Love Chris

by KCowden 05 Jan 2015

Yes, they struck my house too!!! Thanks for sharing how to refurbish my wardrobe without breaking the bank! Yay!!!

by NancyBT10 05 Jan 2015

Those little mischievous calorie boys struck at my house too! Even got into my husband's clothes! Now, I might be able to get away refreshing a top like your beautiful one but something tells me the husband will just have to exercise, lol! You did a great job on the top. Is that embroidery on the left front?

by 02kar Moderator 05 Jan 2015

I love what you have done to refresh this top. Well done. I keep trying to chase the calories away, but they are very persistant.

by jenne 05 Jan 2015

Great creatively.

by basketkase 05 Jan 2015

Awesome and very creative.........I think the little calorie boy travels around the world and hits us all, especially at the holidays....

by rescuer Moderator 05 Jan 2015

Well done!
I would love to do this to some of my clothes. Can you do a tutorial in the Sewing section here for us all? Pictures would be great!

by noah 05 Jan 2015

Well please keep those bad boys on your side of the world we don't want them here they would only get stuck in the snow lol
Lovely job hugs

by asterixsew Moderator 05 Jan 2015

What a brilliant idea and sorry to hear about the calories that appear in the night

by dailylaundry 05 Jan 2015

What a great idea - love it!! You did a great job transforming this top! Don't you just hate those calories!! Hugs, Laura*

1 comment
elemausi by elemausi 05 Jan 2015

Before Christmas I reduced my weight 10 kg but after all the cooking, baking and all the guests 2kg are renewed on my hips.-((