by draco 11 Jan 2015

I recently saw a frs design "Autumn light holder". I don't remember where I saw it. Can anyone help ?

Thank you for any help ! Hugs


by yvonnevanwerkhoven 12 Jan 2015

Lianestitch had one for free a while ago

dragonflyer by dragonflyer 12 Jan 2015

...yes, but it looks like it is not available any longer to download...

draco by draco 12 Jan 2015

Thank you for your help yvonnevanwerkhoven and dragonflyer. Hugs !

getEdited - SELECT
by crafter2243 Moderator edited 11 Jan 2015

Not sure if this is what you were looking for.If you want to find the design itself search under autumn. Not sure what a "frs" design is.

bevintex by bevintex 11 Jan 2015

fsl maybe ?

draco by draco 12 Jan 2015

Thank you crafter2243, I should have said fsl that bevintex suggested. Your 2nd suggestion might work.
Thank you !
Thank you bevintex for the correction.
The design I was looking for has a square lantern shape with a leafy design at the top.